This is intended to be a (mostly) 1:1 recreation of the desktop Discord app, except significantly faster, thanks to the power of Rust and egui!
I (TheRedXD) have personally been extremely frustrated with the poor performance of Discord due to it using electron, therefore wasting battery, and overall being slow. Many others have had the same issues that I have had with Discord. That's why I have decided to attempt to entirely rewrite the app from the ground up in Rust.
I made this open-source in order to let the community contribute to this endeavour, because I am certain many of you hate the performance (or lack thereof) on the desktop Discord app. It was originally meant to be a basic app for just chatting with people without imploding my laptop, but, seeing that many others have the same issue, this is now open-source and will be a nearly 1:1 recreation of the Discord app.
Feel free to contribute by making a PR, or reporting issues!
The answer is no. Metalcord doesn't have all features yet, so you will have trouble using it. However, progress is being made, and the more help we get - the faster this will get completed!