This is a Go library that wraps the New Relic REST API. It provides the needed types to interact with the New Relic REST API.
It's still in progress and I haven't finished the entirety of the API, yet. I plan to finish all GET (read) operations before any POST (create) operations, and then PUT (update) operations, and, finally, the DELETE operations.
The API documentation can be found from New Relic, and you'll need an API key (for some operations, an Admin API key is required).
This library will provide a client object and any operations can be performed through it. Simply import this library and create a client to get started:
package main
import (
var api_key = "..." // Required
func main() {
// Create the client object
client := newrelic.NewClient(api_key)
// Get the applciation with ID 12345
myApp, err := client.GetApplication(12345)
if err != nil {
// Handle error
// Work with the object
// Some operations accept options
opts := &newrelic.AlertEventOptions{
// Only events with "MyProduct" as the product name
Filter: newRelic.AlertEventFilter{
Product: "MyProduct",
// Get a list of recent events for my product
events, err := client.GetAlertEvents(opts)
if err != nil {
// Handle error
// Display each event with some information
for _, e := range events {
fmt.Printf("%d -- %d (%s): %s\n", e.Timestamp, e.Id, e.Priority, e.Description)
As I work to populate all actions, bugs are bound to come up. Feel free to send me a pull request or just file an issue. Staying up to date with an API is hard work and I'm happy to accept contributors.
DISCLAIMER: I am in no way affiliated with New Relic and this work is merely a convenience project for myself with no guarantees. It should be considered "as-is" with no implication of responsibility. See the included LICENSE for more details.