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MapEngine Media Extension


GitHub tag (latest by date) AGPLv3 License Status Beta


MapEngine Media Extension is an extension library for MapEngine. It provides an additional API for playing video and streaming live content using MapEngine.

The Extension uses bytedeco/javacv's FFmpeg implementation for decode media. JavaCV, JavaCPP and FFmpeg will be downloaded on server startup and loaded into the classpath. This plugin downloads only the currently needed libraries for the current operating system and architecture.


  • Runtime dependency downloader
  • FFmpeg based media decoding
Downloading native libraries

This is an example of native libraries being downloaded on server startup.


Live streaming via RTMP

This is an example of a live stream on a 7x4 map in Minecraft. The stream source is 1920x1080@20fps streamed with OBS.

Watch it here


MapMediaExt has to be added as a dependency to the plugin.yml regardless of the build system used.

Gradle (groovy)
repositories {
    maven {
        url = ''
        name = 'tjcserver'

dependencies {
    compileOnly 'de.pianoman911:mapengine-mediaext:1.1.4'
Gradle (kotlin)
repositories {
    maven("") {
        name = "tjcserver"

dependencies {


public class Bar {

    public void foo(IMapDisplay display, URI streamUri) {
        // create a drawing space for the display
        IDrawingSpace space = plugin.mapEngine().pipeline().drawingSpace(display);
        // add all online players as receivers

        // create a new frame source with a 10 frame buffer and rescaling enabled
        FfmpegFrameSource source = new FfmpegFrameSource(streamUri, 10, space, true);
        // start the decoding process

More detailed examples can be found in the TheJoCraftNET/MapEngineExamples repository.


  1. Clone the project (git clone
  2. Go to the cloned directory (cd MapEngine-MediaExtension)
  3. Build the Jar (./gradlew build on Linux/MacOS, gradlew build on Windows)

The plugin jar can be found in the buildlibs directory.