Welcome to the Invoice Generator readme. This document provides information about the invoice generate application.
This application is a console based application. It is usefull if some restaurant or any other place where a person want to generate invoices and save them and want to see them for future references like managing business
- Generate Invoice: Creates new invoice by giving information about customer, no of items, items, quantity of items.
- Show all Invoice: Gives all information about all previous saved invoices.
- Search Invoice: To search invoice of specific customer.
To compile and run the Invoice Generator application, follow these steps:
- Ensure you have a C compiler (e.g. GCC) installed on your system.
- Open a terminal/command prompt.
- Navigate to the directory containing the source code files.
- compile the code using following command:
gcc Billing_System.c
- Run the code using following command:
Once the application is running, you will see main menu with various options. Follow the on-screen instructions to navigate the menu and perform actions.
Generating New Invoice
- Select the "Generate Invoice" option.
- Enter the details asked in menu.
- Press y to save details.
Show All Invoice
- Select the "Show all Invoice" option.
- All previous saved invoices will be shown.
Search Invoice
- Select the "Search Invoice" option.
- Enter the name of the customer whose invoice you want to search.
- If available then the search invoice will be shown.
Contribution to the Invoice Generator application are welcome! If you find issues or have improvements to suggest, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Make your changes.
- Create a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.