Yanze Wu, Xintao Wang, Gen Li, Ying Shan
Tencent ARC Lab; Platform Technologies, Tencent Online Video
- 2022.11.28: release codes&models.
- 2022.08.29: release AVC-Train and AVC-Test.
- Python >= 3.7 (Recommend to use Anaconda or Miniconda)
- PyTorch >= 1.7
- Other required packages in
Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/TencentARC/AnimeSR.git cd AnimeSR
# Install dependent packages pip install -r requirements.txt # Install AnimeSR python setup.py develop
Download the pre-trained AnimeSR models [Google Drive], and put them into the weights folder. Currently, the available pre-trained models are:
: v1 model, also the paper model. You can use this model for paper results reproducing.AnimeSR_v2.pth
: v2 model. Compare with v1, this version has better naturalness, fewer artifacts, and better texture/background restoration. If you want better results, use this model.
AnimeSR supports both frames and videos as input for inference. We provide several sample test cases in google drive, you can download it and put them to inputs folder.
Inference on Frames
python scripts/inference_animesr_frames.py -i inputs/tom_and_jerry -n AnimeSR_v2 --expname animesr_v2 --save_video_too --fps 20
-i --input Input frames folder/root. Support first level dir (i.e., input/*.png) and second level dir (i.e., input/*/*.png)
-n --model_name AnimeSR model name. Default: AnimeSR_v2, can also be AnimeSR_v1-PaperModel
-s --outscale The netscale is x4, but you can achieve arbitrary output scale (e.g., x2 or x1) with the argument outscale.
The program will further perform cheap resize operation after the AnimeSR output. Default: 4
-o --output Output root. Default: results
-expname Identify the name of your current inference. The outputs will be saved in $output/$expname
-save_video_too Save the output frames to video. Default: off
-fps The fps of the (possible) saved videos. Default: 24
After run the above command, you will get the SR frames in results/animesr_v2/frames
and the SR video in results/animesr_v2/videos
Inference on Video
# single gpu and single process inference
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python scripts/inference_animesr_video.py -i inputs/TheMonkeyKing1965.mp4 -n AnimeSR_v2 -s 4 --expname animesr_v2 --num_process_per_gpu 1 --suffix 1gpu1process
# single gpu and multi process inference (you can use multi-processing to improve GPU utilization)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python scripts/inference_animesr_video.py -i inputs/TheMonkeyKing1965.mp4 -n AnimeSR_v2 -s 4 --expname animesr_v2 --num_process_per_gpu 3 --suffix 1gpu3process
# multi gpu and multi process inference
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python scripts/inference_animesr_video.py -i inputs/TheMonkeyKing1965.mp4 -n AnimeSR_v2 -s 4 --expname animesr_v2 --num_process_per_gpu 3 --suffix 2gpu6process
-i --input Input video path or extracted frames folder
-n --model_name AnimeSR model name. Default: AnimeSR_v2, can also be AnimeSR_v1-PaperModel
-s --outscale The netscale is x4, but you can achieve arbitrary output scale (e.g., x2 or x1) with the argument outscale.
The program will further perform cheap resize operation after the AnimeSR output. Default: 4
-o -output Output root. Default: results
-expname Identify the name of your current inference. The outputs will be saved in $output/$expname
-fps The fps of the (possible) saved videos. Default: None
-extract_frame_first If input is a video, you can still extract the frames first, other wise AnimeSR will read from stream
-num_process_per_gpu Since the slow I/O speed will make GPU utilization not high enough, so as long as the
video memory is sufficient, we recommend placing multiple processes on one GPU to increase the utilization of each GPU.
The total process will be number_process_per_gpu * num_gpu
-suffix You can add a suffix string to the sr video name, for example, 1gpu3processx2 which means the SR video is generated with one GPU and three process and the outscale is x2
-half Use half precision for inference, it won't make big impact on the visual results
SR videos are saved in results/animesr_v2/videos/$video_name
If you are looking for portable executable files, you can try our realesr-animevideov3 model which shares the similar technology with AnimeSR.
See Training.md
- Download and carefully read the LICENSE AGREEMENT PDF file.
- If you understand, acknowledge, and agree to all the terms specified in the LICENSE AGREEMENT. Please email
with the LICENSE AGREEMENT PDF file, your name, and institution. We will keep the license and send the download link of AVC dataset to you.
This project is build based on BasicSR.
If you find this project useful for your research, please consider citing our paper:
author={Wu, Yanze and Wang, Xintao and Li, Gen and Shan, Ying},
title={AnimeSR: Learning Real-World Super-Resolution Models for Animation Videos},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
If you have any question, please email wuyanze123@gmail.com