A query bridge between CASL rules and TypeORM
This is a module available through the npm registry.
$ npm install casl-bridge
A simple demonstration...
async function main() {
const source = getTypeOrmSource()
const builder = new AbilityBuilder(createMongoAbility)
builder.can('read', 'Book', { id: 1 })
builder.can('read', 'Book', { 'author.id': 3 })
const ability = builder.build()
/* --------------------------------------
* link everything together with a bridge
const bridge = new CaslBridge(source, ability)
/* --------------------------------------
* query all entries
const books = await bridge
.createQueryTo('read', 'Book')
/* --------------------------------------
* query a single field
const ids = await bridge
.createQueryTo('read', 'Book', 'id')
/* --------------------------------------
* select specific fields
const select = ['id', 'title', ['author', ['name']]]
const names = await bridge
.createQueryTo('read', 'Book', select)
/* --------------------------------------
* add extra mongo-like query filters
const filter = { id: { $ge: 10, $le: 20 } }
const limited = await bridge
.createQueryTo('read', 'Book', select, filter)
/* --------------------------------------
* using just the filter feature
const filtered = await bridge
.createFilterFor('Book', {
'author.name': 'Jane Austen',
id: { $in: [2, 3, 5] },
/* --------------------------------------
* [experimental] apply filter to query
const query = bookRepo
.leftJoin('book.author', 'author')
.where('book.id > :bookId', { bookId: 3 })
bridge.applyFilterTo(query, 'author', {
name: 'Jane Austen'
const moreBooks = await query.getOne()
import { DataSource } from 'typeorm'
/* --------------------------------------
* Our TypeOrm database connection
const source = new DataSource({
type: 'better-sqlite3',
database: ':memory:',
dropSchema: true,
synchronize: true,
entities: [
async function connect() {
await source.initialize()
/* --------------------------------------
* ...seed your database here