Python CLI tool that shows you who has unfollowed you on GitHub.
Heavily inspired by msaaddev/who-unfollowed-me
pip install unfollow
The first time you run the tool, you will be asked to enter your GitHub username. Subsequent runs will show any unfollowers, with names and links.
I used this project to learn a lot about rich, thus I created numerous themes which you can use.
- colored text and some panels
unfollow panels
- colored text inside panels
unfollow bubbles
- all text inside beautiful bubbles - requires a nerd font
unfollow simple
- no colors or emojis, just plain text and a table
As mentioned, msaaddev/who-unfollowed-me was the reason I created this project and has been a great reference. While I love the project, three things stood out to me that I wanted to improve in my own implementation:
- The data files for the tool are not hidden and are stored in your current directory rather than the home directory
- Output looks good but a huge amount is self promotion rather than actual relevant info. (Please don't get me wrong, everyone can self promote as much as they like, I'm just talking about what I wanted to improve)
- If the tool is run without internet connection, the file that stores the username is erased
- Clone the repo and cd into it:
git clone
cd who-unfollowed-me
- Ensure
is installed by running:pip install poetry
- Run:
poetry install
- Make your changes
- To test your changes, run:
poetry run unfollow
in project root directory
If you're interested in the commit labels used in this repo, check out my git-commit-emoji project