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krivard edited this page Jun 1, 2015 · 2 revisions
  1. Create a new Java Project in Eclipse. Name it whatever you want the final name to be. We'll call it "ProPPR"

  2. Close the project (right-click and "Close Project")

  3. Go to a shell and clone a fresh copy of the git repo, but call it 'tmp':

    $ git clone tmp

  4. Check out the most recent branch (srw2.0 as of June 2015):

    $ cd tmp/
    $ git checkout srw2.0

  5. Copy the Eclipse dotfiles into your fresh checkout:

    $ cp ~/workspace/ProPPR/.project tmp/
    $ cp ~/workspace/ProPPR/.classpath tmp/
    $ cp -r ~/workspace/ProPPR/.settings tmp/

  6. Delete the directory created by Eclipse:

    $ rm -rf ~/workspace/ProPPR

  7. Move the git directory over top of where the Eclipse directory used to be:

    $ mv tmp ~/workspace/ProPPR

  8. Go to Eclipse and open the project. You should see the ProPPR source tree.

  9. Finish setting up the classpath in Eclipse:

    • Select all the .jar files in lib/ and add them to the build path
    • Remove src as a source directory
    • Add src/java/main as a source directory
    • Add src/java/test as a source directory