This repository contains structural markup for poetic text from the Tasso in Music Project (
The data is given in two forms: ATON files which are hand-edited versions of the markup,
and TEI files which are automatically converted from the ATON files. Data files are
found in the data
The converter
directory contains the source code for the converter from ATON to TEI.
Online front-end for markup data can be found on pages on the Tasso in Music Project website such as:

Different components of the markup can be shown or hidden by the checkmarks above the poetic text:
(1) Syllable separation by dashes and elision marks.
(2) Linguistic stress (not necessarily poetric meter stress) are highlighted in red.
(3) Syllable counts are given to the right of each verse line.
(4) Rhyme schemes are given after the syllable counts for each line, usually 7 or 11 syllables. Rhymes for 7-syllable lines are lowercase and rhymes for 11-syllable lines are uppercase.
(5) Enjambments (grammatical continuation markers) are given as "+" signs after the rhyme scheme letters.