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Christoph Höger edited this page Apr 7, 2016 · 1 revision

Members of the ÜBB Group

The ÜBB group is headed by Prof. Dr. Peter Pepper.

The Opal compilation system is currently maintained by Christoph Höger, Florian Lorenzen, Judith Rohloff, and Martin Zuber.

The language Opal and the Opal compilation system has been developed by Olaf Brandes, Klaus Didrich, Gottfried Egger, Jürgen Exner, Andreas Fett, Carola Gerke, Wolfgang Grieskamp, Ralf Dziallas, Michael Jatzeck, Torsten Klein, Johannes Labisch, Eckard Lehmann, Antje Lennartz, Christian Maeder, Peter Pepper, Wolfram Schulte, Mario Südholt.

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