Open-source multi-view and multimodal feature matching tool for photogrammetric applications.
The documentation is available at
- Dr. Diego González-Aguilera (co-chair WGII/8) - University of Salamanca, Ávila, Spain
- Dr. Fabio Remondino (President ISPRS - Technical Commission II) - FBK Trento, Italy
- Dr. Francesco Nex (Chair ICWG I/II) - University of Twente
- Dr. Isabella Toschi (Secretary TC II) - FBK Trento, Italy
- Prof. Andrea Fusiello, Chair WG I/1 - University of Udine, Italy
- Dr.Pablo Rodriguez-Gonzalvez - University of Leon, Ponferrada, Spain
- Dr. Luis Lopez Fernandez - TIDOP Research Unit, Avila, Spain
- Dr. David Hernández-Lopez - Institute for Regional Development (IDR), Albacete, Spain
- Esteban Ruiz de Oña Crespo - TIDOP Research Unit, Avila, Spain
This project is licensed under the LGPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details