GRAPHOS is a open-source photogrammetric software for 3D reconstruction.
You can download the latest version of GRAPHOS from the GitHub Releases section.
- CMake v3.10+
- C++ Compiler with support for C++14
- Git
To properly install and run GRAPHOS, you need the following dependencies:
Make sure your environment has these dependencies installed before proceeding with the build.
git clone
cd graphos
Once you have the dependencies installed and the repository cloned, follow these steps to build GRAPHOS using CMake.
Create a build
directory where the build files will be generated:
mkdir build
cd build
Configure the project using CMake. If you want to build a version that uses GPU, ensure CUDA support is available. If you do not want to use CUDA, you can disable it during the configuration:
# To build with CUDA support
cmake .. -DWITH_CUDA=ON
# Or, to build without CUDA support
cmake .. -DWITH_CUDA=OFF
Once configured, compile the project by running:
make -j$(nproc)
The -j$(nproc)
argument parallelizes the build using all available CPU cores, speeding up the process.
After the build completes, install GRAPHOS on your system:
sudo make install
GRAPHOS can be run in a Docker container, enabling ease of setup and GPU support for computational tasks.
IMPORTANT: The Docker image only supports console mode. The graphical interface is not available.
To build a Docker image for GRAPHOS, navigate to the root directory of the repository (where the Dockerfile is located) and run:
docker build -t graphos .
This command builds the Docker image and tags it as graphos.
To run GRAPHOS in a Docker container with GPU support, use the following command:
docker run -it --name graphos --gpus all -v /home/user/data:/app graphos
Runs the container in interactive mode with a TTY shell. -
--name graphos
Names the containergraphos
for easier reference. -
--gpus all
Enables GPU acceleration inside the container. Requires NVIDIA Docker support. -
-v /home/user/data:/app
Mounts the local directory/home/user/data
inside the container, allowing the container to access data on the host machine.
Once inside the container, you can use GRAPHOS commands as described in this documentation. For example:
graphos createproj --name /app/proj/test1/test1.xml -o
find /app/datasets -type f \( -iname "*.jpg" -o -iname "*.png" \) > /app/datasets/images.txt
graphos image_manager -p /app/proj/test1/test1.xml -l /app/datasets/images.txt
graphos featextract -p /app/proj/test1/test1.xml
graphos featmatch -p /app/proj/test1/test1.xml
graphos ori -p /app/proj/test1/test1.xml -a
graphos dense -p /app/proj/test1/test1.xml --method mvs --mvs:resolution_level 2 --mvs:min-resolution 256 --mvs:max-resolution 3000 --mvs:number_views 5 --mvs:number_views_fuse 3
If you encounter any issues or would like to contribute, please visit the Issues section on GitHub.
GRAPHOS can be used via a graphical interface or from the command line. This document provides instructions on using the available GRAPHOS commands through the command-line interface.
graphos [--version] [-h | --help] [--licence] <command> [<args>]
To see help for a specific command:
graphos <command> --help
- Create a new Graphos project.image_manager
- Manage images in a Graphos project.featextract
- Extract features (SIFT) from images.featmatch
- Match features between images.gcps
- Import ground control points.ori
- Perform 3D reconstruction.dense
- Generate a dense point cloud.mesh
- Create a Poisson reconstruction mesh.undistort
- Undistort images.dem
- Create DSM and/or DTM.export_point_cloud
- Export point cloud.
Create a new Graphos project.
graphos createproj [OPTION...]
-n, --name [R]
- Project name or project file (.xml). (Required)-d, --description [O]
- Project description. (Optional)-o, --overwrite [O]
- Force project overwrite (default = false). (Optional)
graphos createproj --name inspector
Manage images in a Graphos project.
graphos image_manager [OPTION...]
-p, --prj [R]
- Project file. (Required)-i, --image [O]
- Image to add or remove (with option [--delete|-d]). (Optional)-l, --image_list [O]
- List of images to add or remove (with option [--delete|-d]). (Optional)-d, --delete [O]
- Delete an image from the project. (Optional)-c, --camera [O]
- Camera type. Supported values: [Pinhole 1, Pinhole 2, Radial 1, Radial 2, OpenCV 1, OpenCV Fisheye, OpenCV 2, Radial Fisheye 1, Radial Fisheye 2, Radial 3]. (Optional)
graphos image_manager -p 253/253.xml -i image001.jpg
graphos image_manager -p 253/253.xml -i image001.jpg -d
Extract features (SIFT) from images.
graphos featextract [OPTION...]
-p, --prj [R]
- Project file. (Required)-s, --max_image_size [O]
- Maximum image size (default = 3200). (Optional)--max_features_number [O]
- Maximum number of features to detect (default = 5000). (Optional)--octave_resolution [O]
- SIFT: Number of layers in each octave (default = 3). (Optional)--contrast_threshold [O]
- SIFT: Contrast Threshold (default = 0.006667). (Optional)--edge_threshold [O]
- SIFT: Threshold for filtering out edge-like features (default = 10.0). (Optional)--disable_cuda [O]
- Disable CUDA (default = false). (Optional)
graphos featextract -p 253/253.xml
Import of control points
graphos gcps [OPTION...]
-p, --prj [R]
Project file.--cp [R]
Ground control points file.--crs [O]
graphos gcps --p 253/253.xml --cp 253/georef.xml
Perform 3D reconstruction.
graphos ori [OPTION...]
-p, --prj [R]
- Project file. (Required)-c, --fix_calibration [O]
- Fix calibration. (Optional)-p, --fix_poses [O]
- Fix poses. (Optional)-a, --absolute_orientation [O]
- Absolute orientation. (Optional)
graphos ori -p 253/253.xml -a
Generate a dense point cloud.
graphos dense [OPTION...]
-p, --prj [R]
- Project file. (Required)-m, --method [O]
- Densification method. Supported values: [mvs, pmvs, smvs]. (Optional)- Other method-specific options like resolution, colors, visibility, smoothing, etc.
--disable_cuda [O]
- Disable CUDA (default = false). (Optional)
graphos dense -p 253/253.xml --method pmvs
Create a Poisson reconstruction mesh.
graphos mesh [OPTION...]
-p, --prj [R]
- Project file. (Required)--depth [O]
- Maximum reconstruction depth. (Optional)--boundary_type [O]
- Boundary type. Supported values: [Free, Dirichlet, Neumann]. (Optional)
graphos mesh -p 253/253.xml --depth 12 --boundary_type Dirichlet
Create DSM (Digital Surface Model) and/or (Digital Terrain Model).
graphos dem [OPTION...]
-p, --prj [R]
- Project file. (Required)-g, --gsd [O]
- Ground sample distance. (Optional)--dsm [O]
- Create a Digital Surface Model. (Optional)--dtm [O]
- Create a Digital Terrain Model. (Optional)
graphos dem -p 253/253.xml --gsd 0.1
Export point cloud
graphos export_point_cloud [OPTION...]
-p, --prj [R]
- Project file.-f, --file [R]
- Export file.--crs [O]
- CRS of the point cloud (default: CRS of the project ).
graphos export_point_cloud -p 253/253.xml --file point_cloud.ply
GRAPHOS is distributed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 (GPL v3). Please see the LICENSE file for more information.