Sequence View Plugin is a visualization plugin engine for SynBioHub to enhance the functional annotations of DNA sequence which are coordinated with the SBOL Visual standard.
Follow the instructions on the GitHub README to install SynBioHub locally on your system and start the SynBioHub process. In the Admin module, configure the plugin as follows:
- Clone the Sequence View Plugin repository
git clone
- Change to the Sequence View Plugin directory
cd sequence-view-plugin
- Install all the dependencies
npm install
- Start the plugin server
npm run local
Releases are published automatically using GitHub Actions. There is an action which fires on release publication. It publishes an image to Docker Hub as synbiohub/plugin-visual-seqviz, which will be used in public SynBioHub. It should be noticed that docker use server.js to start the server. The only difference between server.js and localserver.js is on line 67 where the src uses http or https. Thus, what other code updates in localserver.js should also be reflected in server.js.