A web application built using NodeJS, ExpressJS & MySQL for Patients and Doctors.
A Patient can request for appointments for various department, check upcoming appointments, cancel them and check his prescription history.
A Doctor can assign a time to the requested appointment(s) of patient(s), assign rooms to inpatient in case of necessity, cancel appointments and outpatient current inpatients.
An Admin can add/remove/view the rooms as well as the doctors in the hospital.
- Package managing using NPM
- Email verification using Nodemailer
- User authentication using PassportJS
- User ID generated using UUID
- Implemented Middleware to verify logged in user while redirecting
- CRUD operations using Express Router
- Used EJS templates for rendering, communication between backend & frontend
- Stored user login seesions using Express-Session
- Encrypted user passwords into database using bcrypt
Please configure your database connection in 'backend/API/config/configDB.js'