In this readme I show you the steps I have follow to config this proyect, in case you wish toknow how setup yours.
If you don't feel confident yet, nevermind. Clone this repo, copy your code carefully into it and then run it. In this case you only have to clone it, install dependencies and run it with this following commands:
git clone
cd vite-vuetify
npm install
npm run dev
Was easy, didn't you?
If you want to install and configure by yourself, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Install Vite + Vue
First, execute this command:
npm create vite@latest
Terminal ask to us to install Vite, then we type 'Y' (yes). At this point we choose the following configuration:
- Project name --> [your proyect name]
- Select a framework --> Vue
- Select a variant --> Javascript After setup finish, we need to enter in the folder proyect and install npm dependencies, so write this:
cd [your proyect name]
npm install
npm run dev
Now we had installed our Vite + Vue proyect.
Step 2: Install Vuetify
Vuetify consist in a built-in component gallery. For example, we can use pre-built cards, navbars and many more.
In this step we only have to install the npm depency:
npm i vite-plugin-vuetify
Great, now we only need to apply a couple changes to configure it:
Open vite.config.js located in your root directory, and add the lines I specify you below:
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import vue from "@vitejs/plugin-vue";
import vuetify from "vite-plugin-vuetify"; //ADD
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue(), vuetify({ autoImport: true })], // ADD
Now open vite.config.js in the same root directory and apply the following changes:
import { createApp } from "vue";
import "./style.css";
import App from "./App.vue";
import "vuetify/styles";
import { createVuetify } from "vuetify";
import * as components from "vuetify/components";
import * as directives from "vuetify/directives";
const vuetify = createVuetify({
// createApp(App).mount('#app')
And that's all. Happy coding!