Releases: SwifQL/Bridges
🍇 Implement `TableUpsert`
Thanks to @EthanLozano for the inspiration ⚡️
We already have conveniences for insertInto
and update
and obviously upsert
is needed too! And now we have it!
let newUser = User(id: UUID(), email: "", firstName: "Ethan", lastName: "Lozano")
/// we could simply insert it
newUser.insert(on: conn)
/// we could simply update it
newUser.update(on: \.$id, on: conn)
/// now we can upsert it on conflicting column
newUser.upsert(conflictColumn: \.$id, on: conn)
newUser.upsert(conflictColumn: \.$email, on: conn)
/// we even can exclude one or more columns from update, e.g. excluding id may be necessary for update by email
newUser.upsert(conflictColumn: \.$email, excluding: \User.$id, on: conn)
/// we also can upsert on conflicting constraint
newUser.upsert(conflictConstraint: "User_pkey", on: conn)
newUser.upsert(conflictConstraint: "User_email_key", on: conn)
newUser.upsert(conflictConstraint: "User_email_key", excluding: \User.$id, on: conn)
🏂 Decode custom model even with convenience method
Let's say you have a Goods
table and you want to query a list of goods but only their id
and name
columns using this simple model
struct ListModel: Content {
let id: UUID
let name: String
We have simple and convenient method for querying all records from table in Bridges
Goods.query(on: .psql, on: req).all()
but the problem in current situation is that it returns exactly Goods
model and we have to do additional for-loop for its transformation
Ok, since we're advanced SwifQL users we will use it to decode exactly into ListModel*).from(Goods.table).execute(on: .psql, on: req).all(decoding: ListModel.self)
and it's cool, but too long as for me
New addition to first convenience method solves this problem
Goods.query(on: .psql, on: req).all(decoding: ListModel.self)
That's it 😃
💫 Enum array support
Now you're able to use enum array columns in your tables!
enum Permission: String, BridgesEnum {
case create, edit, delete
final class User: Table, Content {
var id: UUID
var permissions: [Permission]
init () {}
init(permissions: [Permission] = []) { = UUID()
self.permissions = permissions
struct CreateUserMigration: TableMigration {
typealias Table = User
static func prepare(on conn: BridgeConnection) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
.column("id", .uuid, .primaryKey)
.column("permissions", .auto(from: [Permission].self), .default("{}"), .notNull)
.execute(on: conn)
static func revert(on conn: BridgeConnection) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
dropBuilder.execute(on: conn)
Usage examples
Where clause
SELECT * FROM "User" WHERE "permissions" @> '{edit}'*).from(User.table).where(\User.$permissions ||> [Permission.edit])
Convenient update
// let user: User // already fetched user
user.permissions = [.create, .edit, .delete]
user.update(on: \.$id, on: conn)
Pure update
UPDATE "User" SET "permissions" = '{edit,delete}' WHERE "permissions" @> '{edit}'
.set[items: \User.$permissions == [Permission.edit, .delete]]
.where(\User.$permissions ||> [Permission.edit])
Convenient insert
User(permissions: [.create, .edit, .delete]).insert(on: conn)
Pure insert
INSERT INTO "User" ("id", "permissions") VALUES (..., '{create,edit,delete}')
SwifQL.insertInto(User.table, fields: \User.$id, \User.$permissions)
.values(UUID(), [Permission.create, .edit, .delete])
.execute(on: conn)
🍓SwifQLable: Implement convenient execute method
When you have only one complex query in route handler and it shouldn't be wrapped into transaction you could use this convenient method which will establish database connection by itself
func someComplexQueryHandler(_ req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<[CustomResult]> {
/// your complex query here
.execute(.psqlEnvironment, on: req)
.all() // or explicit .all(decoding: CustomResult.self)
// .first() // or explicit .first(decoding: CustomResult.self)
// .count()
More conveniences
Examples below shows how to use new conveniences with demo User
/// without connection, useful if you have only one query there
func databaseRequest(on req: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<SomeResult> {
User.query(on: .psqlEnvironment, on: req)
// optionally use `where` clause with all SwifQL's power
.where(\User.$email == "")
/// also available
// .join(...)
// .groupBy(...)
// .having(...)
// .orderBy(...)
// .offset(...)
// .limit(...)
/// and select one of methods listed below to get the result
.first() // to get `EventLoopFuture<User?>`
.all() // to get `EventLoopFuture<[User]>`
.count() // to get EventLoopFuture<Int64>
.delete() // to execute DELETE FROM "User" query, returns Void
/// with connection
func databaseRequest(on req: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<[User]> {
req.postgres.connection(to: .psqlEnvironment) { conn in
// you could build query the same way as shown in above example
User.query(on: conn).all()
💡 available for all dialects
I've pimped DatabaseIdentifier
to use it for conveniences.
It is not breaking change, but if someone is using custom DatabaseIdentifier
in case if he will try to use new conveniences it will throw an error and print a message in console that he should use explicit initialization for identifier.
So e.g. this
extension DatabaseIdentifier {
static var dev_psql: DatabaseIdentifier {
.init(name: "dev_test", host: DatabaseHost(hostname: "", port: 5432, username: "root", password: "qwerty"), maxConnectionsPerEventLoop: 1)
should be replaced with
extension DatabaseIdentifier {
static var dev_psql: DatabaseIdentifier {
.psql(name: "dev_test", host: DatabaseHost(hostname: "", port: 5432, username: "root", password: "qwerty"), maxConnectionsPerEventLoop: 1)
MyTable.all(on: .psqlEnvironment, on: req) // or on: application
MyTable.first(on: .psqlEnvironment, on: req) // or on: application
Later I gonna use this fundament for generic select builder which I want to be available the same way like
Table.where(\.$name == "John").all(on: .psqlEnvironment, on: req)
AnyMigration: replace `name` with `migrationName`
Since we use tableName
for tables we realized that we have to use migrationName
for migrations for consistency.
will still work since it is release candidate
already 🙂
TableInsert: implement batch insert
let user1 = User(...)
let user2 = User(...)
let user3 = User(...)
[user1, user2, user3].batchInsert(on: conn) // returns EventLoopFuture<Void>