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Feature/improve create changelog script (#591)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* [Tooling] Switch to github gql api

* [Tooling] Credit all authors

* [Tooling] Add pr info from the commits associated pr

* [Tooling] Log unexpected commit format before throwing error

* [Tooling] Prevent running script without sha of last commit of previous release
  • Loading branch information
schroda authored Feb 2, 2024
1 parent bf3815e commit d5b633f
Showing 1 changed file with 158 additions and 68 deletions.
226 changes: 158 additions & 68 deletions tools/scripts/createReleaseChangelog.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,27 +9,6 @@
import yargs from 'yargs';
import githubToken from './github_token.json';

type GithubCommit = {
sha: string;
html_url: string;
commit: {
message: string;
author: {
name: string;
author: { login: string } | null;

type Commit = {
repoUrl: string;
revision: number;
url: string;
githubUser: string | undefined;
author: string;
title: string;

const { sha } = yargs
sha: {
Expand All @@ -40,85 +19,196 @@ const { sha } = yargs

const getHeaderWithAuth = () => ({
headers: {
// token is optional, might be needed in case of getting rate-limited - to provide a token create a "github_token.json" (see "github_token.template.json") and add your token in there
Authorization: githubToken.token ? `token ${githubToken.token}` : '',
if (!sha) {
throw new Error('Sha of last commit of the previous release has to be passed!');

const fetchTotalCommitCount = async (owner: string, repo: string, branch: string = 'master') => {
const response = await fetch(
type GithubAuthor = {
name: string;
user: { login: string } | null;

const linkHeader = response.headers.get('Link');
const pageCountMatch = linkHeader?.match(/page=(\d+)>; rel="last"/);
type GithubPullRequest = {
number: string;
url: string;

if (!pageCountMatch) {
throw new Error('Page count not found in Link header');
type GithubCommit = {
oid: string;
url: string;
message: string;
authors: {
totalCount: number;
nodes: GithubAuthor[];
associatedPullRequests: {
nodes: GithubPullRequest[];

return parseInt(pageCountMatch[1], 10);
type CommitQueryResponse = {
data: {
repository: {
ref: {
target: {
history: {
totalCount: number;
pageInfo: {
hasNextPage: boolean;
endCursor: string;
nodes: GithubCommit[];

type Commit = {
repoUrl: string;
revision: number;
url: string;
authors: GithubAuthor[];
title: string;
pullRequest?: GithubPullRequest;

* Fetches and returns all commits after the provided commit hash
const fetchCommits = async (
owner: string,
repo: string,
loadUntilSha: string,
page: number = 1,
): Promise<GithubCommit[]> => {
const commitList = (await (
await fetch(`${owner}/${repo}/commits?page=${page}`, getHeaderWithAuth())
).json()) as GithubCommit[];
const indexOfOldestCommitToLoad = commitList.findIndex((commit) => commit.sha === loadUntilSha);
endCursor?: string,
): Promise<{ totalRepoCommitCount: number; commits: GithubCommit[] }> => {
const query = `query ($owner: String!, $name: String!, $afterSha: String) {
repository(owner: $owner, name: $name) {
ref(qualifiedName: "master") {
target {
... on Commit {
history(first: 100, after: $afterSha) {
pageInfo {
nodes {
# use "message" instead of "messageHeadline" because GitHub truncates titles if they are too long
authors(first: 100) {
nodes {
user {
associatedPullRequests(first: 1) {
nodes {

const variables = {
name: repo,
afterSha: endCursor,

const response = (await (
await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: `Bearer ${githubToken.token}`,
body: JSON.stringify({ query, variables }),
).json()) as CommitQueryResponse;

const repoHistory =;
const { hasNextPage, endCursor: repoHistoryEndCursor } = repoHistory.pageInfo;
const commits = repoHistory.nodes;
const indexOfOldestCommitToLoad = commits.findIndex((commit) => commit.oid === loadUntilSha);

const loadedAllCommits = indexOfOldestCommitToLoad !== -1;
if (loadedAllCommits) {
return commitList.slice(0, indexOfOldestCommitToLoad);
return { totalRepoCommitCount: repoHistory.totalCount, commits: commits.slice(0, indexOfOldestCommitToLoad) };

if (!hasNextPage) {
throw new Error(`No commit with sha "${loadUntilSha}" found!`);

return [...commitList, ...(await fetchCommits(owner, repo, loadUntilSha, page + 1))];
const loadedCommits = [
...(await fetchCommits(owner, repo, loadUntilSha, repoHistoryEndCursor)).commits,
return { totalRepoCommitCount: repoHistory.totalCount, commits: loadedCommits };

const createChangelogCommitLine = (commit: Commit): string => {
const author = commit.githubUser ??;
const credit = `by @${author}`;
const revision = `([r${commit.revision}](${commit.url}))`;
const createCommitAuthorCredit = (authors: GithubAuthor[]): string => {
const authorsWithGithubAccount = authors.filter((author) => !!author.user?.login);

const includesPrId = commit.title.match(/.*\(#[0-9]+\)$/g);
if (!includesPrId) {
return `${revision} ${commit.title} (${credit})`;
if (!authorsWithGithubAccount.length) {
return `by @${authors[0].name}`;

const splitTitle = commit.title.split('#');
const commitAuthorsString = authorsWithGithubAccount
.map((author) => author.user!.login)
.reduce((authorCredit, author) => `${authorCredit}, @${author}`);

const rawPrId = splitTitle[splitTitle.length - 1]; // = <prId>) e.g. 420)
const prId = rawPrId.substring(0, rawPrId.length - 1);
const prUrl = `${commit.repoUrl}/pull/${prId}`;
const authorCredit = `[#${prId}](${prUrl}) ${credit}`;
return `by @${commitAuthorsString}`;

return `${revision} ${splitTitle.slice(0, splitTitle.length - 1).join('#')}${authorCredit})`;
const createChangelogCommitLine = (commit: Commit): string => {
try {
const authorCredit = createCommitAuthorCredit(commit.authors);
const revision = `([r${commit.revision}](${commit.url}))`;

if (!commit.pullRequest) {
return `${revision} ${commit.title} (${authorCredit})`;

const title = commit.title.replace(/(.*) \(#[0-9]+\)$/g, '$1'); // remove the possible pr number from the title (e.g. "my commit title (#420)" => "my commit title")
const prId = commit.pullRequest.number;
const prUrl = commit.pullRequest.url;
const prLink = `[#${prId}](${prUrl})`;

return `${revision} ${title} (${prLink} ${authorCredit})`;
} catch (e) {
console.log('Unexpected commit format', commit);
throw e;

const createChangelog = async (prevReleaseLastCommitSha: string) => {
const owner = 'Suwayomi';
const repo = 'Suwayomi-WebUI';

const numberOfCommits = await fetchTotalCommitCount(owner, repo);
const githubCommits = await fetchCommits(owner, repo, prevReleaseLastCommitSha);
const { totalRepoCommitCount: numberOfCommits, commits: githubCommits } = await fetchCommits(

const commits: Commit[] =, index) => ({
repoUrl: `${owner}/${repo}`,
revision: numberOfCommits - index,
url: githubCommit.html_url,
title: githubCommit.commit.message.split('\n')[0],
url: githubCommit.url,
authors: githubCommit.authors.nodes,
title: githubCommit.message.split('\n')[0],
pullRequest: githubCommit.associatedPullRequests.nodes[0],

const commitChangelogLines =;
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