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Getting Extensions

Mitchell Syer edited this page Mar 17, 2024 · 1 revision
  1. Install the latest version(or preview):
  2. Find an extensions repo, there is now no default extensions and you have to use google to find a Tachiyomi extension repo.
    • Note: The repo should look like or
  3. Configure it using one of the following:
    • Suwayomi-Server option 1: With the new launcher, go to the Extensions tab and add the extensions repo.
    • Suwayomi-Server option 2: Use the server settings in WebUI to add the extensions repo.
    • Suwayomi-Server option 3: Go to the server.conf file in the data files and add the extensions repo.
    • Suwayomi docker container: Edit the EXTENSION_REPOS environment variable and add the extension repo in the format listed in the container README.
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