3.9.3 (2023-04-08)
- quest: broken auto-focus (e9ca343)
- quest: specific quest tracking (08ee716)
- quest: task quest elevation & highlight (cdf3009)
- travel: bypass hidden trap button (a3ef277)
3.9.2 (2023-03-13)
- notification: tasks postpone logic (3defb08)
- travel: encounters autofocus (8c2629c)
- travel: space out tracking step tasks (8d05cf8)
- travel: verification autofocus (7604a93)
3.9.1 (2022-11-21)
- ci: deployment version mismatch (6ee2959)
3.9.0 (2022-11-20)
- carriage: disable temporarily (0c67289)
- FTUE: remove duplicate text (d1a1e88)
- ftue: update disclaimer (cea973d)
- job: missing menu controls (295250a)
- mahol: daily reward controls anchor (53932ad)
- travel: screen items overlapping dropdowns (105cede)
- tasks: overhaul tasks system to support the updated functionality (9c28ad5)
3.8.0 (2022-11-09)
3.7.4 (2022-10-28)
- arena: generate auto focus (a8acc32)
- arena: menu controls (ab4298a)
- battle: attack autofocus (2b9c89f)
- battle: item auto focus (86df7cb)
- battle: missing controls (df194c2)
- battle: missing tasks tracker (5dffe84)
- battle: remove special attack lock (1dbae28)
- battle: verification autofocus (e831501)
- boss: broken boss list page (1ca60b1)
- safeMode: header timer expiration state (380708d)
- travel: remove step cooldown preservation (e6cfe18)
3.7.3 (2022-08-03)
- header: update compatible version (944b80f)
- quests: make quest mismatch check more robust (3a2a4ab)
- UX: add enable button to checkbox required text (8ea1d56)
3.7.2 (2022-07-28)
- battle: done state counter color (f14c837)
- boss: fire notification a minute earlier (ae7325a)
- header: bump supported version (f249cb4)
- job: fire notification a bit later (a669583)
- notification: light theme thicc outline (7d8e233)
- safeMode: fire notification a bit later (f54e6c9)
- tasks: quests mislabeled for kill tasks (99ee492)
- travel: verification not focusing (4852201)
3.7.1 (2022-07-23)
- battle: dynamically pick contrasting task color (7789626)
- tasks: parse malformed quest titles (95bbdbd)
3.7.0 (2022-07-23)
- battle: focus attack after item usage (b88f057)
- boss: update chrome notifications (bbf601a)
- header: bump supported version (0bc656c)
- notification: get notifications finally working (4bad602)
- task: quest task title case mismatch (d0c9262)
- header: add a small SA icon (bc10ca8)
- jobs: add job completion notification (da61a83)
- safeMode: add chrome notification (20e9a59)
- safeMode: add time remaining tracket to header (fb0f150)
3.6.0 (2022-07-16)
- manifest: upgrade to MV3 🎉 (fbfc205)
- market: add buy task tracker (dfeac7e)
- market: add first item autofocus (8ad642a)
3.5.0 (2022-07-10)
- swal: error on FTUE open (6872e86)
3.4.3 (2022-07-07)
- battle: attack button hijack (a78e9e2)
- quest: perform button hijack (b394329)
- tasks: quest parsing crash (09c9421)
- tasks: support multiple NPC locations (a75950b)
- travel: step button hijack (read my letter, mike) (33ff00a)
3.4.2 (2022-06-22)
- quest: auto focus task target when disabled (e56c941)
- quest: target title case mismatch (582af01)
- safemode: support every safe mode duration (e008c0f)
3.4.1 (2022-06-18)
- travel: fix step button cooldown timer (27bf721)
3.4.0 (2022-06-18)
- battle: remove "other kill task" prompt (92b77b5)
- task: auto hide notification on reward collection (1c0ba7a)
- tasks: adjust tasks completion check logic (cc1b5a7)
- tasks: properly parse titles with comas in title (3ec794f)
- travel: verification focus fail (3ba7372)
- battle: add kill task track assist (e4a9d3c)
- general: add option to replace swal background gloom with blur (454d30a)
- quest: add task quest progression tracking (12fca70)
- quest: add task quests elevation (10fa336)
3.3.1 (2022-06-12)
- battle/travel/quest: this aint funny mike (95d8809)
3.3.0 (2022-06-12)
- battle: broken button order (c012846)
- carriage: typo 😓 (a99493e)
- header: update compatability version (0beabc4)
- quest: broken broken button (again) (0d0e05e)
- quest: broken on click event after mike broke it 😠 (42e1fdb)
- travel: mistargeted buttons (352433e)
- carriage: add kill some task zone finder (1be71d5)
- notification: add collect rewards notification (8340798)
- notification: add Tasks notification (7891f48)
- travel: add step task assist (4995e38)
- ux: add hints to parent dependant checkboxes (dd8f4c4)
3.2.2 (2022-05-03)
- ftue: add verification clause (f7041e3)
- header: update version compatability (d0973a8)
- notification: misplaced dismiss button (5a59d2f)
- style: add dismiss button background crop (f3733fc)
- verification: remove verification view (97ac8f1)
3.2.1 (2022-04-29)
3.2.0 (2022-04-27)
- gather: patch v11.2 compatability (31e1dda)
- notification: reenable notifications next day (6ec7060)
- verification: patch v11.2 compatability (8e82e7e)
- verification: preserve referrer link on failed attempt (38b92c7)
- carriage: add color coding to best/worst stats (73f028a)
- carriage: add upfront details display (2bc9a5d)
- header: add version compatability display (fbb5aed)
- mahol: add monthly reward notification (1477f45)
3.1.3 (2022-04-22)
- travel: patch 11.0 compatability (850468b)
3.1.2 (2022-04-18)
- navigation: add arrow key selection (xoxoxo Just) (130f18e)
- quests: broken elevation toggle (309c257)
3.1.1 (2022-04-17)
- ftue: add github issues link (af4155e)
- navigation: add default shortcuts (6d94fad)
- notification: add notification dismissal functionality (4f2d391)
- verification: add arrow key selection (e4276d9)
- verification: add missing battle autofocus (6e041b3)
- verification: add missing quest auto focus (134668d)
3.1.0 (2022-04-13)
- manifest: remove google from page access requests (99d22c3)
- ui: add enter as viable button press to tooltips (6b25617)
- ux: let option toggles take effect immediately where possible (0607c4a)
- battle: add item autofocus (
shroomies) (90d3f3e) - battle: extend functionality to boss fights (needs testing) (c182219)
- ftue: add first time user experience screen (disclaimer) (683fd5a)
- home: add travel autofocus (250ede1)
- jobs: add job auto focus (a49baad)
- mahol: add daily reward notification (a79644b)
- navigation: add navigation shortcut keybindings (9d740dd)
- quest: add elevated quest auto focus (a27bd13)
- quest: add last incomplete quest elevation (c0c5768)
- safeMode: add safe mode reminder (7766d51)
- travel: add verification autofocus (c725e98)
- ux: link version to changelog (2275ddc)
- ux: mark features requiring page reload with * (df0a977)
- verification: add verification keybindings (65ef309)
3.0.0 (2022-04-05)
- arena: add battle arena generate autofocus (e5fd94b)
- battle: add attack autofocus (bb276f1)
- battle: add special attack lock (c36fa33)
- gather: add material action autofocus (3532d22)
- Initial rewrite commit (c6c5945)
- quest: add perform auto focus (159e402)
- travel: add button step autofocus (ac38c26)
- travel: add cooldown persistence (b439d98)
- travel: add encounter autofocus (5e7edb2)
- ui: add extension version display (6e6f582)
- the project is rewritten from scratch in Vue 3