This board includes a Zynq-7010 FPGA which was used as a controller board in BTC mining farms EBIT miner.
In this repository you can find the pre-built PS (Petalinux 2019.1) and PL (Vivado 2019.1) files to run PYNQ, following the guide.
Download the generated image file and write it on an SD card download_link
Board front-view:
- Hardware details -
- Leungfung/ebaz4205_hw
- Document (Block desgin)
- kan573 - Qiita
- Articles in Japanese
- blkf2016/ebaz4205: Some resources for the ebaz4205 board
- Sample project
- nightseas/ebit_z7010: The base reference design for EBIT EBAZ4205 Zynq7010 board.
- Sample project
- KeitetsuWorks/EBAZ4205
- Sample project
- reddit discussion: ebaz4205_recycle_a_cheap_cryptominer_part_1
- 3D printed stand
- Tweets about EBAZ4205
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Copyright (c) 2021 Stavros Kalapothas (aka Stevaras) It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU Licence.