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VSH 2 Internal API Reference
Kevin Yonan edited this page Aug 1, 2021
9 revisions
int userid
- returns userid of the player
int index
- returns entity index of the player
int iQueue
- get/set the Queue points of a player (this uses the array as backup while saving to cookies)
int iPresetType
- get/set the preferred boss type of the player (this uses the array as backup while saving to cookies)
int iKills
- get/set the amount of kills a player got
int iHits
- get/set the amount of times a player got hit
int iLives
- get/set the amount of lives a player gets
int iState
- get/set the state of a player (this data can mean any kind of state for anything)
int iDamage
- get/set the damage a player did to a boss
int iAirDamage
- get/set the damage a player did with the AirStrike weapon
int iSongPick
- get/set the preferred song/background theme for the player
int iOwnerBoss
- gets the entity index of the boss who owns this player (Set this property using the boss' userid)
int iUberTarget
- get/set the target of a medic's uber, (use userid when setting this property)
int iShieldDmg
- get/set the amount of damage done when not having a shield, this property is primarily to track demoman shield regeneration.
int iClimbs
- get/set the amount of climbs a player did.
TFClassType iTFClass
- gets the player's TF2 class.
bool bIsMinion
- get/set if a player is a minion to a boss (use in conjunction with
so you can identify what boss made this player into a minion).
bool bInJump
- get/set if a player is jumping
bool bNoMusic
- get/set if a player can hear the boss music/background theme
float flGlowtime
- get/set the time when a player is glowing or not (use in conjunction with
float flLastHit
- get/set the last time a player was hit
float flLastShot
- get/set the last time a player fired/swung their weapon
float flMusicTime
- get/set the amount of time a song is (this is for setting how long background music is) to the player.
BaseFighter(const int ind, bool uid=false)
- constructor for
, gives you the option to make an instance using a player's entity index or, if uid is set to true, a player's userid.
void ConvertToMinion(const float time)
- converts a player to a minion, automatically sets
to true
int SpawnWeapon(char[] name, const int index, const int level, const int qual, char[] att)
- spawns a weapon to a player
int getAmmotable(const int wepslot)
- gets the ammo table for a player's weapon in a weapon slot
void setAmmotable(const int wepslot, const int val)
- sets the ammo table for a player's weapon in a weapon slot
int getCliptable(const int wepslot)
- gets the clip table for a player's weapon in a weapon slot
void setCliptable(const int wepslot, const int val)
- sets the clip table for a player's weapon in a weapon slot
int GetWeaponSlotIndex(const int slot)
- gets the item index of a weapon by weapon slot
void SetWepInvis(const int alpha)
- sets the alpha of a weapon so it can be transparent (255 for no transparent, 0 for completely invisible)
void SetOverlay(const char[] strOverlay)
- puts an overlay on a player's screen
void TeleToSpawn(int team = 0)
- teleports a player to spawn, depending what team spawn.
void IncreaseHeadCount(bool addhealth=true, int head_count=1)
- if using demoman swords, increases the head count and applies the buff
void SpawnSmallHealthPack(int ownerteam=0)
- spawns a health pack at a player's origin
void ForceTeamChange(const int team)
- forces a player to change to a different team
void ClimbWall(const int weapon, const float upwardvel, const float health, const bool attackdelay)
- makes a player climb a wall as long the wall is 90 degrees (more or less).
void HelpPanelClass()
- sends a help panel to a player telling them about the class and their changes based on what class the player is.
int GetHealTarget()
- gets the player index of the current healing target.
bool IsNearDispenser()
- checks if the player is being healed/supplied by a dispenser.
bool IsInRange(const int target, const float dist, bool pTrace=false)
- checks if the player is in range of a specific entity,
being false means ignoring objects between the entities.
void RemoveBack(int[] indices, const int len)
- Removes a set/array of cosmetic-based items from the player (like mantreads for instance).
int FindBack(int[] indices, const int len)
- finds an item within a set/array of cosmetic-based items from the player (like mantreads for instance).
int ShootRocket(bool bCrit=false, float vPosition[3], float vAngles[3], const float flSpeed, const float dmg, const char[] model, bool arc=false)
- shoots a rocket-like, arc-able projectile from the player.
void Heal(const int health, bool on_hud=false, bool overridehp=false, int overheal_limit=0)
- heals the player with option to show the health gained on the hud.
void PlayMusic(const float vol, const char[] override="");
- starts playing music to the player,
for volume.
void void StopMusic();
- stop music that is playing to the player.
int iHealth
- get/set the current health of the boss
int iMaxHealth
- get/set the maximum health of the boss (primarily used for damage and various calculations)
int iBossType
- get/set the Boss type, it's extremely important to set the player's boss type when making them into a boss.
int iStabbed
- get/set the amount of times the individual boss has been backstabbed
int iMarketted
- get/set the amount of times the individual boss has been market gardened
int iDifficulty
- get/set the difficulty setting of a boss (primarily unused)
bool bIsBoss
- get if a player is a boss.
bool bUsedUltimate
- get/set if a boss used a rare ability, primarily used for abilities like rage that are only useable once but of course, you can always reset it.
bool bSuperCharge
- get/set if a boss can do a super-duper jump, can be repurposed for other abilities just like
float flSpeed
- get/set the speed of the boss, this is primarily used for health-based movement speed.
float flCharge
- get/set the right click or crouching ability charge. Depends how you coded your boss so it can charge via right click or crouching.
float flRAGE
- get/set the rage ability, automatically clamps between 0.0 and 100.0
float flKillSpree
- this is for getting when a boss has killed a certain amount of people under
's time. Look inbosses/hale.sp
to understand what this means.
float flWeighDown
- get/set the charge for doing the weighdown ability.
You can actually use flWeighDown
or any others to control a completely different ability.
Or even better, make your own if necessary.
BaseBoss(const int ind, bool uid = false)
- constructor to make a player as an instance of
, works the same as the constructor forBaseFighter
seeBaseFighter(const int ind, bool uid=false)
on how to use.
void ConvertToBoss()
- this method sets the
property depending whatbSetOnSpawn
is set to, setsflRAGE
to 0.0 and calls_MakePlayerBoss
. It's preferred to useMakeBossAndSwitch
over this method.
void GiveRage(const int damage)
- generic health based calculated method to give rage to the boss, the formula works as
. If necessary, you can make your own for your custom bosses
void MakeBossAndSwitch(const int type, bool callEvent)
- This function sets
to true, sets the boss type based on whattype
is, callsConvertToBoss()
, and forces the player to be team switched to BLU. Use this method overConvertToBoss()
. New in 1.3.0 Beta -callEvent
let's you control if you wantMakeBossAndSwitch
to call theOnBossSelected
void DoGenericStun(const float rageDist)
- generic rage stun that's commonly used by many VSH/FF2 bosses but as a function.
specifies the max distance radius, anyone (players, buildings) within the radius will be stunned.
void RemoveAllItems()
- removes ALL (cosmetics and weapons, etc) items from the boss' person. Removes weapons and their associated cosmetics, Demoman shield cosmetic, wearable cosmetics, and MvM powerup canteens.
bool GetName(char buffer[MAX_BOSS_NAME_SIZE])
- Gets the set name of the boss,
is 64 bytes large.
bool SetName(char name[MAX_BOSS_NAME_SIZE])
- Sets the name of the boss,
is 64 bytes large.
void SuperJump(const float power, const float reset)
- performs the generic super jump ability.
void WeighDown(const float reset)
- performs the generic weighdown ability.
void PlayVoiceClip(const char[] vclip, const int flags)
- player a boss specific voice clip, using different voice flags for effects.
Available Voice flags:
int iRoundState
- get/set the current Round State of the gamemode. Here's the enum for it.
enum /** VSH2 Round States */ {
StateDisabled = -1,
StateStarting = 0,
StateRunning = 1,
StateEnding = 2,
int iSpecial
- get/set the predetermined boss type to be used when a player becomes a boss (this is overrode if the player set their boss OR if the admin used the set special commands to forcefully change it. If
is -1, then it'll pick a random boss between 0 andMAXBOSS
int iPrevSpecial
- get/set the previous
from the round before.
VSHHealthBar iHealthBar
- gets/set the healthbar (please don't touch this unless you know what you're doing)
int iHealthBar.iState
- get/set the state of the healthbar which usually just changes its color...
int iHealthBar.iPercent
- get/set the percentage byte of the health bar from 0 to 255, setting the health bar automatically clamps the value between 0 and 255 so you can set it with unsafe numbers if you care.
int iTotalMaxHealth
- get/set the Total Max health for all current bosses.
int iTimeLeft
- get/set the time left for the last player showdown timer.
int iRoundCount
- get/set the amount of rounds that have been played
int iHealthChecks
- get/set the amount of times players have used the Check Health command.
int iCaptures
- get/set the amount of times the Arena control point has been captured.
bool bSteam
- if steam tools is included and enabled, get/set if the plugin should use Steam (this is mainly for setting the game server's description to something else)
bool bTF2Attribs
- if TF2Attributes is included and compiled with VSH2, this gets/sets if the plugin will use TF2Attributes natives.
bool bPointReady
- get/set if the control point is ready.
bool bMedieval
- get/set if Medieval Mode VSH2 is enabled.
bool bDoors
- get/set if the map doors must be forced open.
bool bTeleToSpawn
- get/set if bosses should be teleported back to spawn when hitting a
float flHealthTime
- get/set the last time a health check was performed.
float flMusicTime
- get/set the amount of time a song is (this is for setting how long background music is)
float flRoundStartTime
- gets the time when the round started. Unchanged until next round starts.
BaseBoss hNextBoss
- get/set the handle of a
instance to be the next chosen boss player (ALWAYS CHECK IF THIS IS 0). THIS IS NOT A HANDLE TYPE.
BaseBoss GetRandomBoss(const bool balive)
- gets a random boss and allows you to get a living or dead boss
BaseBoss GetBossByType(const bool balive, const int type)
- this is the same as
but it allows you to also get a random boss by type.
void CheckArena(const bool type)
- presets the Arena control point enable time.
int GetQueue(BaseBoss[] players)
- populates a player array and sorts it by queue points.
BaseBoss FindNextBoss()
- gets the player that will become the next boss via queue points.
int CountMinions(const bool balive, BaseBoss ownerboss=0)
- counts all players that have
set to true and allows you to count living or dead.
int CountBosses(const bool balive)
- same as
but for bosses, you check if you want to count only living bosses.
int GetTotalBossHealth()
- returns the total current boss health of each individual boss.
void SearchForItemPacks()
- scans the map for ammo and health packs to replace and if there's none, it'll spawn health and ammo packs in the player spawn.
void UpdateBossHealth()
- self explanatory, gets the total boss health and does a percentage calculation between 0 and 255 and sets the healthbar based on that.
void GetBossType()
- sets the next boss type for the new round. This is only called in
bool IsVSHMap()
- checks if the map is a valid VSH map.
void CheckDoors()
- checks the saxton hale config whether the map must force its doors to be open.
void CheckTeleToSpawn()
- checks if the map requires that bosses be teleported to spawn if they hit a
static int GetBosses(BaseBoss[] bossarray, const bool balive)
- gets bosses by filling in a buffer and returns the amount of bosses filled into the buffer, can also filter by living bosses.
static int GetFighters(BaseBoss[] redarray, const bool balive)
- gets the RED players by filling in a buffer and returns the amount of RED players filled into the buffer, can also filter by living players.
static int GetMinions(BaseBoss[] marray, const bool balive, BaseBoss ownerboss=0)
- gets the minions by filling in a buffer and returns the amount of minions filled into the buffer, can also filter by living minions.