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Stanford Sustainable Systems Lab (S3L)

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  1. speech-grid-impact speech-grid-impact Public

    Forked from SiobhanPowell/speech-grid-impact

    Jupyter Notebook 11 2

  2. speech speech Public

    Forked from SiobhanPowell/speech

    Scalable Probabilistic Estimates of Electric Vehicle Charging (SPEECh)

    Jupyter Notebook 2

  3. EV-EcoSim EV-EcoSim Public

    Forked from ebalogun01/EV-EcoSim

    EV-EcoSim: A grid-aware co-simulation platform for the design and optimization of EV Charging Infrastructure. Link to publication:

    Python 2

  4. pamodpy pamodpy Public

    Jupyter Notebook 1

  5. VADER-Analytics VADER-Analytics Public

    Forked from slaclab/VADER-Analytics

    Visualization and Analytics for Distributed Energy Resources

    Jupyter Notebook 1

  6. global-changes-in-electricity-consumption-during-covid19 global-changes-in-electricity-consumption-during-covid19 Public

    Forked from SiobhanPowell/global-changes-in-electricity-consumption-during-covid19

    Buechler et al. "Global Changes in Electricity Consumption During COVID-19." Submitted (2021).



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