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1. Prerequisites

Required components for project execution:
- Java JDK8
- Maven
- Chrome/Firefox browsers - for Selenium UI tests

2. Command Line Run

Note: all run commands must be executed from the project folder root ( folder that contains the pom.xml file)

Run command for Serenity + Selenium Tests

Local run

mvn -DconfigFile=local -DtestSuite=ViatorSuite verify


testSuite - property can be either test or testsuite class
configFile - will point the solution on which environment it should run, so all configuration accounts and urls will be stored in the file under 'src/test/resources/config' path

Run against selenium grid ( Selenium Grid or Zalenium setup needed)

mvn -DconfigFile=local -DtestSuite=ViatorSuite -Dwebdriver.driver=${browser} verify -Dwebdriver.remote.url=${selenium_grid_URL}


For runs with Zalenium:

browser = chrome/firefox
selenium_grid_url = http://localhost:4444/wd/hub

Command I run with:

mvn -DconfigFile=local -DtestSuite=ViatorSuite -Dwebdriver.driver=chrome verify -Dwebdriver.remote.url=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub

Run command for Serenity report generation

mvn serenity:aggregate

Notes: Will generate a test report that can be accessed under the path /target/site/serenity/index.html

3. Selenium UI Tests - JUnit (short description)

The framework contains two types of jUnit tests: straight up jUnit tests and data driven tests. The Data Driven tests use .csv files (located in src/test/resources/testdata ).
Tests rely on the BASE_URL variable to be set in the config file in order to point to the correct application.
Test object mappings from web pages are captured in Page classes that define the object locator and the action related to it (click, input, select and so on). The Step classes will define groups of actions (e.g.: logInWithCredentials - input user, input password, click login). Step method annotations have the role to create report entries for each method. The tests will never call page classes directly, thus it will always rely on steps to perform actions.

3.1 Zalenium Grid

It was required for the tests to be run on Selenium Grid. I used the Zalenium docker images to provision the infrastructure.


Steps to configure:

    # Pull docker-selenium
    docker pull elgalu/selenium
    # Pull Zalenium
    docker pull dosel/zalenium
    # Run it!


    docker run --rm -ti --name zalenium -p 4444:4444 \
          -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
          -v /tmp/videos:/home/seluser/videos \
          --privileged dosel/zalenium start


    docker run --rm -ti --name zalenium -p 4444:4444 \
          -e DOCKER=17.06.2-ce \
          -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
          -v /tmp/videos:/home/seluser/videos \
          --privileged dosel/zalenium start


    docker run --rm -ti --name zalenium -p 4444:4444 ^
          -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ^
          -v /c/Users/your_user_name/temp/videos:/home/seluser/videos ^
          --privileged dosel/zalenium start
    # Point your tests to http://localhost:4444/wd/hub and run them

    # Stop
    docker stop zalenium

Zalenium Management Link: http://localhost:4444/grid/console

Zalenium Machine VNC (where tests can be seen running in the containers): http://localhost:4444/grid/admin/live


Technical Test - iPresence






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