An entity editor for 0ad, modify units, buildings and more!
You will need Go installed and then you can run.
go get
Run 0ed to launch the editor (Make sure your $GOPATH/bin is inside of your $PATH). Binary releases will come later.
This editor is in heavy development and is lacking features. Please report bugs to the issue tracker.
- Actor Editor in the sidebar.
- Drag and drop to edit images/meshes/sounds.
- "Ignore parent" option for each component.
- Multi-tab editing.
- Has not been tested on Windows at all.
- Props are not shown in the correct location.
- Some models refuse to load, others have incorrect textures. WebGL limitations...
- User interface is ugly, don't worry though, I will be working with a designer to improve it.
- The 0ad data path is currently inflexible.