This project is only in french, sry 😅
Shroom TD is a Tower Defense game developed entirely in python using pygame. The goal is to place towers (mushrooms) in order to prevent ennemies (slimes) to reach the end of the path, And to make it throught all the waves
This project uses musics from Waterflame who owns all rights on these musics
Trophées NSI - 2023 : This project has been selected "Best project - 12th grade" of the "Hauts-de-France" region
This project has been made for the "Trophées NSI" of 2023.
Having always played games, we wanted to make OUR game. So we gathered all we were taught during these past 2 years and decided to try and make a game of one of our favorite genre, a Tower Defense. All the assets are made by us (mostly SparkasseLabank) and we decided the universe of the game, we wanted one that would fit us and we came up with that bit of a crazy idea to make mushrooms fight slimes. The project took us overall approximately 2 months to make. It was also a chance to further develop our skills in python and discover pygame
LMB = interact, select...
RMB = deselect
Esc = open escape menu
Alt + F4 = quit game in most menus
In order for the project to work, you must execute it from the same folder where is And to not have moved anything from their respective folders
First, verify you have python and pygame installed if you have then you just have to download all the project and it should be working in the opposite case, install python then install pygame by going in the cmd and type : "pip install pygame"