I’m a Software Engineer with a passion for turning ideas into reality. With 2 years of hands-on experience, I thrive as a full-stack developer, building seamless client-facing applications backed by robust, scalable systems. I enjoy designing architectures that are lightweight, powerful, and efficient—think distributed yet cohesive, elegant yet functional. I’m also an active contributor to Universe, an open-source platform where I create reusable components for the community.
Skills: React.js | JavaScript | TypeScript | HTML | CSS | Python | AWS | Django | MongoDB | SQL |FastAPI |NextJs
- 🌱 Currently sharpening: AWS (2+ years and counting), Django
- 💬 Ask me about: MERN stack, cloud architecture, or backend optimization
- 📫 Reach me at: souravb.1998@gmail.com
- 🛠 Working on: Design Patterns
- ⚡ Fun fact: Dark Mode is my forever vibe! 😎🌙