This is a fork of screenfetch-c from woodruffw (William Woodruff) mainly to explore the Meson build system. At present, it is only tested and working for Linux.
screenfetch-c is an attempt to rewrite screenFetch, a popular shell script that displays system information and an ASCII logo, in the C language.
screenfetch-c only relies on libraries that come on virtually every system + meson.
On Linux, OpenGL is used to detect the GPU. In most package managers, this is listed as
. -
On Linux and Solaris, libX11 is required. In most package managers, this is listed as
. -
To install meson, have a look at their official webpage.
Installing screenfetch-c is very simple:
$ git clone
$ cd screenfetch-meson
$ meson build --buildtype=release
$ cd build
$ ninja
$ sudo ninja install
Note: These are the ones that have actually been tested (so far). screenfetch-c may very well work on untested distros, so feel free to try it.
- Arch Linux
screenfetch-c is licensed under the MIT license.
For the exact terms, see the license.