All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See
for commit guidelines.
0.2.2 (2021-10-23)
- π Added log4j2 and logging to the microservices
(8042d38) - β¨ add 404 page to routing
(80f2efd) - β¨ add a business user registration form, no approval from admin
(ff37e6a) - β¨ add page for listing all books (in testing state)
(1af3ec1) - β¨ implement API interaction and app state for viewing books,
implement table of contents preview
(007db57) - β¨ implement frontend layout and routing for Books preview page with
placeholder contents
(640d3eb) - β¨ implement login and fix registering
(2442148) - β¨ implement login page and app state mangement
(673cbc0) - β¨ implement Page for bookForSale model with api interaction and app
state at /s/:userId/book/:bookId
(ff28ff4) - β¨ manage fetching and storing books state with recoil app state
(50800b1) - β‘ allow user to filter out books by categories
(f52ebd8) - add genre field to book, create both back-end and front-end for filter page
(c68a623) - added form validation
(b91a705) - frontend: π¨ Move api calls to api.js
(4c931f4) - frontend: π Add BookForSaleForm
(a073efa) - frontend: π Add File Picker Component
(1282c89) - frontend: β¨ Add cover art selection
(89bd0d5) - frontend: β¨ Add submission logic to AddBookForm
(671dc8c) - registration is working for public users
Bug Fixes
- π fix conflict between env var state during frontend testing and env var
state for dev/prod
(cd76c07) - π Fix dependency issue with Logging
(0aab6bc) - π fix form validation bug
(017a054) - π fix username must be unique test
(02c15b3) - β
fix tests after merge
(538aa91) - backend_books: π Enable CORS for frontend
(75411d3) - backend_books: π Fix coverArtURL being too small
(cef48e2) - backend_books: π Enable CORS
(ea50975) - frontend: π Allow only image files for boo cover
(3a3b4ec) - frontend: π Fix import errors
(cf17c3d) - frontend: π Fixed BookField not opening on focus