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8cabd11 · Mar 5, 2020


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Mar 5, 2020

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Smartling no longer supports this SDK. It is left available for use as-is for Smartling customers who are interested in developing their own custom solutions.

Latest version


Release 4.0.0 supports Gradle 4.x and Android plugin 3.3.x. Suport for pervious versions of Gradle and the Android plugin are no longer support.

  • Upgrade Android plugin to 3.3.2
  • Upgrade Gradle to 4.10.1
  • Upgrade Android annotations to 4.6.0

Starting from version 3.0.0 you can apply the Smartling SDK to library projects as well as application projects. Starting from version 2.4 you can use functionality of Context-Capture and In-App-Review modes in the same build. See below installation and usage instructions for that combined Review mode.


You have to add some configuration to your build.gradle files.

Add Smartling Plugin Dependency

Add Smartling's Android repository to your main build.gradle file.

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven { url ''}
  dependencies {
    classpath '{latest_version}'

Add these repository URLSs into your allprojects repositories block.

allprojects {
  repositories {
     maven { url ''}
     maven { url "" }

Apply the Plugin to Your Application

Apply Smartling's Android plugin after the Android plugin:

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: ''

Apply the Plugin to Other Modules (optional)

If you have a multi-module build, you can apply Smartling's library plugin to your Android library modules.

Apply Smartling's Android plugin after the Android plugin:

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: ''

Configure the plugin

In your main build.gradle file, configure the Smartling plugin.

apply plugin: ''

smartling {
  projectId = "<Project ID>"
  otaServing {
    projectSecret = "<Project AES Key>"
  auth {
    userIdentifier = "<User Identifier>"
    userSecret = "<User Secret>"
  mode = "ota-serving"
  logLevel = "verbose"

For Over-the-Air mode the instructions above are enough.

Configuration Options


The id of the project in Smartling dashboard


Project AES key for the OTA updates.

otaServing block is required only for ota-serving mode

userIdentifier & userSecret

The credentials from the project-specific token.

auth block is required for context-capture mode and uploadSourceStrings gradle task (see below)


  • ota-serving - Published strings are served to the user in his language and displayed in the app
  • in-app-review - Members of your team can log in to edit strings and review them in context inside the app
  • context-capture - You are able to capture the screenshots with strings attached and upload them to the server
  • disabled (default) - The SDK doesn't affect the app whatsoever

Since Context-Capture and In-App-Review modes are combined into one from version 2.4 mode option affects in which of those modes application would be started. Then you can switch to another mode.


Defines the min level of the log messages the SDK exposes to Logcat

  • none
  • verbose
  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error


In the code

Use your resource strings as usual:

  • context.getString(R.string.some_string)
  • @string/some_string in the xml layout files

They will be localized according to the SDK mode.

Mode-specific usage

OTA (Over-the-Air)

Wait for the localized strings

Generally, the localized strings for certain language are fetching from the server after activity is created. Thus, for the very first launch user will see the strings in the project source language till he goes to the other activity or relaunches the app.

To prevent that and wait for the localized strings are loaded you can do the following.

Create SplashActivity or use existing one and implement OTAListener interface with it.

public class SplashActivity extends Activity implements OTAListener {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public void onStringsLoaded() {
        Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);

Method onStringLoaded() is calling:

  • after strings are loaded if they don't exist for certain language or if it's the first launch after application was closed by the system or force-quitted by the user
  • after activity's onResume() method in all other cases

Both Context-Capture (manual) and In-App-Review

Make either three-finger long touch or double-click at any point of the screen to open dashboard screen. In the dashboard screen for every mode you can do mode-specific actions and switch to another one.

Gestures for Context-Capture

Either one- or two-finger long touch causes capturing of the screenshot, attaching the strings to it and uploading the image along with strings' coordinates to the server.

Gestures for In-App-Review

Make one-finger long touch on any string on the screen to edit it. Make two-finger long touch at any point of the screen to edit all the strings from that screen.

Context-Capture (Automatic way)

It's possible to integrate calls of the capture methods into your UI tests. Make setup as you usually do for the UI tests along with Smartling SDK dependency (context-automation module)...

dependencies {
   androidTestCompile ''
   androidTestCompile ''
   androidTestCompile '{latest_version}'

Create a test case for activity:

public class MainActivityCaptureTest extends ContextCaptureTestCase {

    public ActivityTestRule<MainActivity> rule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, false, false);

    public void takeScreenshot() throws Exception {
        rule.launchActivity(new Intent());
        ...some movements, button presses, clicks if needed

It's needed to prevent activity launch so that strings were loaded before it's launched. That's why we create ActivityTestRule object with false parameters.

ContextCaptureTestCase does all the work to preload the strings.

That's it. After this test case is executed you will see the screenshot of MainActivity with the strings marked on it in the dashboard.

Conditional Compilation

To avoid compiling review artifact (needed only for Context-Capture and In-App-Review) into release build you can apply different Smartling modes during configuration.

The SDK mode can be configured by a build variable to enable or disable it for a given build run:

ext {
   SMARTLING_SDK_MODE = "in-app-review"

smartling {
    projectId = "deaf9496f"

You can control this the same you update any build property at build time.

Release notes

Version 3.0.0

  • Add support for multi module projects
  • Fix issue with conditional compilation
  • Upgrade outdated dependencies

Version 2.5.2

  • Fix issue with Android Gradle plugin 3.0.0 #8

Version 2.5.1

  • Fix issue #9 (NPE crash in Context-Capture mode)

Version 2.5

  • Significantly reduce the size that Smartling SDK adds to client application's apk file.
  • Fix issue with ViewPager capturing (in Context-Capture mode)

Version 2.4

  • Context-Capture and In-App-Review modes are combined into one

Version 2.3.3

  • Fix issue #7 (black title color in Toolbar)

Version 2.3.2

  • Fix issue #5 (crash if WebView is presented in the layout).
  • Create gradle task uploadSourceStrings in the plugin to upload string resource files to the dashboard.

Version 2.3.1

  • Fix issue #3 associated with work in Instant Run mode.

Version 2.3.0

  • Create context-automation module as separate Gradle module to be integrated as dependency for UI integration tests.