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Fractal is a flexible, configurable data processing tool built with GoFr and Golang. Fractal is designed to handle data ingestion from multiple sources, apply powerful transformations and validations, and deliver output to a wide range of destinations. With Fractal, you can automate complex data workflows without needing to manage low-level details. Here's the documentation for setting up a new integration in your project:

Custom Syntax Documentation for Validation and Transformation Rules

1. Overview

The custom syntax enables users to:

  1. Validate incoming data to ensure it meets predefined conditions.
  2. Transform data fields to fit desired formats, structures, or requirements.
  3. Define flexible error-handling strategies for data processing pipelines.

Rules can be written for any data source or destination, such as JSON, YAML, CSV, SQL Databases, Message Brokers, or Cloud Services.

2. Validation Rules

Validation rules ensure that data meets specific quality and integrity requirements.


FIELD(<field_name>) <validation_condition>

Validation Conditions

Condition Description Example
TYPE(<data_type>) Ensures the field is of a specified type. Data types: STRING, INT, FLOAT, BOOL, DATE. FIELD("age") TYPE(INT)
RANGE(<min>, <max>) Ensures the field's value is within a specified range. FIELD("price") RANGE(0, 1000)
MATCHES(<regex>) Validates that the field's value matches a regular expression pattern. FIELD("email") MATCHES(EMAIL_REGEX)
IN(<value_list>) Validates that the field's value is one of the specified values. FIELD("status") IN ("active", "inactive")
REQUIRED Ensures the field is present. FIELD("name") REQUIRED


  1. Validate that the field age is an integer and between 18 and 65:

    FIELD("age") TYPE(INT) RANGE(18, 65)
  2. Ensure email matches a regex pattern for valid email addresses:

  3. Check that status is either "active" or "inactive":

    FIELD("status") IN ("active", "inactive")
  4. Make the id field mandatory:


3. Transformation Rules

Transformation rules modify or enrich data to meet specific requirements.



Supported Operations

Operation Description Example
RENAME(<old_field>, <new_field>) Renames a field in the data. RENAME("old_field", "new_field")
MAP(<field_name>, {<mapping>}) Maps values in a field to new values using a key-value pair mapping. MAP("status", {"0": "inactive", "1": "active"})
ADD_FIELD(<field_name>, <value>) Adds a new field with a specified value. ADD_FIELD("timestamp", CURRENT_TIME())
IF <condition> THEN <operation> Applies a transformation based on a condition. IF FIELD("age") > 50 THEN ADD_FIELD("senior_discount", TRUE)


  1. Rename a field old_field to new_field:

    RENAME("old_field", "new_field")
  2. Map values in the status field:

    MAP("status", {"0": "inactive", "1": "active"})
  3. Add a field processed_at with the current timestamp:

    ADD_FIELD("processed_at", CURRENT_TIME())
  4. Conditionally add a senior discount for users above 50:

    IF FIELD("age") > 50 THEN ADD_FIELD("senior_discount", TRUE)

4. Error Handling

Error handling defines how the system reacts when a validation or transformation fails.



Supported Actions

Action Description Example
LOG_AND_CONTINUE Logs the error and continues processing the next record. ON_ERROR(LOG_AND_CONTINUE)
STOP Stops the entire pipeline on encountering an error. ON_ERROR(STOP)
RETRY Attempts to retry processing the failed record. ON_ERROR(RETRY)
SEND_TO_QUARANTINE Sends the failed record to a quarantine output for further analysis. ON_ERROR(SEND_TO_QUARANTINE)


  1. Log the error and continue processing:

  2. Stop the pipeline if an error occurs:


5. Integration-Specific Features

Field Naming

Depending on the data source, fields can be named using:

  1. JSON Paths: For JSON/YAML data.
    FIELD("$.user.age") TYPE(INT)
  2. Column Names: For CSV or SQL tables.
    FIELD("Column1") TYPE(FLOAT)
  3. Message Keys/Values: For Kafka or RabbitMQ.
    FIELD("$.message.key") MATCHES(KEY_REGEX)

6. Unified YAML Configuration

The rules can be embedded into the YAML configuration for pipelines:

   strategy: LOG_AND_CONTINUE
   csvsourcefilename: sample.csv
   inputmethod: CSV
   csvdestinationfilename: test.csv
   outputmethod: CSV
   repetition_interval: "1h"
   -ADD_FIELD("processed_at", CURRENT_TIME())
   -FIELD("age") RANGE(30,35)

Adding a New Integration

The system is designed to make it simple to add new data integrations for both input and output. Each integration should define methods to read (input) and write (output) data, following a unified interface approach.

Steps to Add a New Integration

  1. Create a New File:
    In the integrations directory, create a new file named after the integration. For example, if adding support for RabbitMQ, create rabbitmq.go.

  2. Implement the Source and Destination Interfaces:
    In this file, you need to define structs that implement the Source and Destination interfaces.

    • Source Interface: This interface should define the Read method, which reads data from the input source and returns it in a standardized format.
    • Destination Interface: This interface should define the Write method, which writes data to the output destination.

    Here's an example structure for rabbitmq.go:

    package integrations
    import "fmt"
    // RabbitMQInput struct to handle input from RabbitMQ
    type RabbitMQInput struct {
        // Add any necessary fields, such as connection settings, queues, etc.
    // Read method to read from RabbitMQ
    func (r *RabbitMQInput) Read() (interface{}, error) {
        // Implement logic to read from RabbitMQ
        fmt.Println("Reading from RabbitMQ...")
        return nil, nil
    // RabbitMQOutput struct to handle output to RabbitMQ
    type RabbitMQOutput struct {
        // Add any necessary fields, such as connection settings, queues, etc.
    // Write method to write to RabbitMQ
    func (r *RabbitMQOutput) Write(data interface{}) error {
        // Implement logic to write to RabbitMQ
        fmt.Println("Writing to RabbitMQ...")
        return nil
    // Initialize the new integration
    func init() {
        RegisterSource("rabbitmq", &RabbitMQInput{})
        RegisterDestination("rabbitmq", &RabbitMQOutput{})
  3. Register the Integration:
    In the init() function, use RegisterSource and RegisterDestination to add the integration to the system. This makes it available for both CLI and HTTP server modes.

  4. Configuration:
    If the integration requires additional configuration (like credentials or connection strings), make sure to add relevant fields to the struct and include a way to parse this information from the user-provided configuration.

  5. Testing the Integration:
    Run the application and select the new integration in either CLI or HTTP mode. Verify that data can be read from and written to the integration correctly.

With this setup, adding integrations is straightforward. Each integration can now be quickly defined and registered, keeping your system scalable and modular.


  • Multi-Source Data Ingestion: Supports data ingestion from HTTP, CSV files, SQL databases, Pub-Sub systems, cloud storage, and more.
  • Customizable Data Transformations: Apply data transformations, including data mapping, filtering, aggregation, and enrichment, with built-in or custom functions.
  • Validation Rules: Define validation schemas to ensure incoming data meets quality standards before processing.
  • Flexible Output Options: Output processed data to databases (SQL/NoSQL), CSV files, messaging queues, HTTP responses, or cloud storage.
  • YAML Configuration: Configure data workflows and transformation rules through a YAML file for easy setup and customization.

Getting Started



Clone the repository and navigate to the Fractal directory:

git clone
cd fractal

Install the dependencies:

go mod tidy


Set up a .yaml configuration file in the root directory. Define inputs, transformations, validations, and outputs as per your workflow needs. Here's a basic example:

   strategy: LOG_AND_CONTINUE
   csvsourcefilename: sample.csv
   inputmethod: CSV
   csvdestinationfilename: test.csv
   outputmethod: CSV
   repetition_interval: "1h"
   -ADD_FIELD("processed_at", CURRENT_TIME())
   -FIELD("age") RANGE(30,35)

Running Fractal

Start the pipeline using:

go run main.go -config=config.yaml

Example Use Cases

  • Data Migration: Migrate data from legacy systems to cloud databases or NoSQL databases.
  • Log Aggregation: Aggregate logs from multiple sources and send them to a searchable data store.
  • Content Syndication: Ingest and format content from RSS feeds or APIs, and distribute it across platforms.
  • Data Quality Checker: Validate incoming data streams to ensure data quality before storing.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests for new features, bug fixes, or documentation improvements.

For detailed guidelines on how to contribute, please refer to the Contributing Guide.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.


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