As a career changer diving into the world of game development, I am excited to explore and create innovative solutions using technology. Currently focusing on mastering C and developing small games in C#, I am passionate about discovering new technologies and leveraging them to craft high-quality projects. I am a student at 42 School, where I am honing my skills and expanding my horizons in this dynamic field.
Progress: 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩⬜⬜⬜ 70%
Progress through the 42 Common Core: 70%
Project | Description | Skills | Score | Bonus |
📚 Libft | Created a personal C library implementing standard functions | C Library Creation Memory Management Linked Lists |
✅ 125/100 | Implementation of additional functions and a linked list structure with operations |
🖥️ Born2beRoot | Set up a secure virtual machine according to specific rules | System Administration Virtualization Security Protocols |
✅ 125/100 | Set up WordPress with Lighttpd, MariaDB, and PHP with a functional website |
🖨️ ft_printf | Recoded the printf function with support for various conversions | C Variadic Functions String Formatting |
✅ 125/100 | Implementation of additional format specifiers and flags like %n, %f, and %g |
📜 get_next_line | Function that reads a line from a file descriptor, even multiple | C File I/O Static Variables Memory Management |
✅ 125/100 | Support for multiple file descriptors simultaneously without data loss |
Project | Description | Skills | Score | Bonus |
🔄 push_swap | Developed an algorithm to sort integers using two stacks with a minimal number of operations | C Algorithm Design Data Structures Complexity Optimization |
✅ 125/100 | Visualization of the sorting algorithm with a real-time graphical representation |
🔧 pipex | Recreated the shell pipe functionality with focus on process creation and communication | C Process Creation File Redirection Inter-Process Communication |
✅ 125/100 | Support for multiple pipes and here_doc functionality like in bash |
🎮 so_long | Created a simple 2D game with collectibles, enemies, and map parsing | C Graphics Game Development Map Parsing |
✅ 125/100 | Added animations, enemy movement patterns, and multiple levels |
🌐 NetPractice | Solved IP addressing and network configuration challenges | Networking IP Addressing Subnetting Routing |
✅ 100/100 | No bonus for this project |
Project | Description | Skills | Score | Bonus |
💬 minishell | Built a simplified bash shell with command parsing and execution | C Parsing Process Management Signal Handling |
✅ 125/100 | Implemented advanced features like command history, auto-completion, and wildcard expansion |
🎮 cub3d | Developed a raycasting engine to create a 3D-like environment | C Graphics Mathematics Game Development |
✅ 125/100 | Added textures, sprites, collision detection, and a mini-map feature |
💻 ft_irc | Created an IRC server compliant with RFC standards | C++ Network Programming Protocol Implementation |
⏳ In Progress | Planning to implement file transfer protocol and bot functionality for server management |
🌐 ft_transcendence | Full-stack web application with real-time multiplayer Pong game | TypeScript NestJS PostgreSQL WebSockets |
⏳ In Progress | Planning tournament system, customizable game physics, and spectator mode |
Project | Description | Skills | Score | Bonus |
🍽️ Philosophers | Solved the dining philosophers problem using threads and mutexes | C Multi-threading Resource Sharing Deadlock Prevention |
✅ 125/100 | Implemented a visualization of the philosophers' states and statistics logging |
🐳 Inception | Set up a Docker infrastructure with multiple containerized services | Docker Docker-Compose Network Configuration System Administration |
⏳ In Progress | Planning to add additional services like Redis cache and automated backup system |
🧩 CPP Modules | Series of projects covering Object-Oriented Programming concepts in C++ | C++ OOP Templates STL Polymorphism |
⏳ In Progress | Working on implementing a small game engine demonstrating advanced OOP principles |