First thing first, this is a just for fun project. It's not meant to be as polished and as good as a real game and may have some bugs or stupid code. I'm not a professional developer, and I'm still learning. I'm open to any suggestions, improvements and feedback.
This is a simple quiz game that uses the OpenAI API to generate questions and answers using the ChatGPT models. The game is played by a user who can choose any topic they want. The user must select the correct answer to score a point. The game ends when the user selects an incorrect answer.
Main menu
Historical questions
You can install the project by cloning the repository and installing the dependencies or by using the Docker image.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install the dependencies
npm install
- Run the project
npm start
docker run -d -p 4200:80 --name quiz-gpt shukaaa/quizgpt:latest
- Open the browser and go to http://localhost:4200
- Enter a topic
- Choose your ChatGPT model
- Put in your API key (You can get one from
- Click on the "Start" button
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.