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Consolidation into single `theme` command. Makes commands a part of the library and adds environments

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@csaunders csaunders released this 18 Feb 13:20

This release is a pretty big one. Internally there's been a number of changes such that the theme commands are no longer tied to the command line application and may be used as a library. The bigger changes are the external ones that you'll notice as a user of the command line utility.


The old tools theme-manipulate, theme-watch and theme-configure have been rolled up into a single command called theme. You can view all the available sub-commands by typing theme -h. Sub-commands can also be queried for details on their usage. For example: theme configure -h would display all the arguments you can pass in for creating new configurations.


It's been a super popular request and the feature is out. You can now maintain a list of configurations for your various deployment areas. This takes over config.yml though it should migrate you over from the old configuration to the new one. By default it assumes the environment is development, so if you want to add another configuration (say production) you'd execute the following:

theme configure -access_token=abracadabra \

Specify Location of config.yml

You no longer need to have your config.yml file in the same directory as where you are running the theme command from. You still need to be running the command from the directory in which you want to synchronize from. For example, if you wanted to watch a directory:

theme watch --dir=../config.yml