This is bot for checking grade updating via Kasetsart University Student grade system. It'll notify by Line Notify.
Clone this repo by
git clone
Then run this command to install require packages.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The program will ask you for Username and Password. Please feel free and enter your Nontri account.
Then you'll see your current grade.
For the first time. Please enter your Nontri account and your Line Notify Dev Token. (From LINE Notify)
Then you must to set cronjob or anything else like it.
This is an example of setting crontab for auto update grade every 2 mins.
crontab -e
Then enter this to the end of file.
*/2 * * * * cd PATH_TO_KUGradeChecker&&timeout 30 python3
- Operating system that can install Tensorflow(Python)
- 512MB of Memory
All right reserved