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Mix System 5v5 CS 1.6



  • AmxModX 1.9.0-5271+
  • ReHLDS v3.13.0.788+
  • ReGameDLL v5.26.0.668+
  • ReAPI v5.24.0.300+


Download latest release from here. Extract the archive and drag and drop files in your 'cstrike/addons/amxmodx' folder and compile the source code (.sma).


System has in total, 9 forwards and 11 natives.

More about documentation can be found in file .../amxmodx/scripting/include.

This system includes the following functionalities:

  • 100% customizable settings from an external file (from chat/console command names to player weapons during the warm-up round).

  • Commands for:

    • Starting/stopping the mix.
    • Warm-up rounds.
    • Starting the knife round.
    • Opening / closing the chat.
    • Password-protecting the server.
    • Removing the server password.
    • Moving all players to spectator mode.
    • Assigning players to CT/T/SPECTATOR teams.
    • Starting/stopping a demo for a specific player.
    • Viewing the player leaderboard.
    • Pausing the round.
  • Warm-up rounds can be of two types:

    1. Players only receive money at each spawn to buy their favorite weapons.
    2. Fixed weapons for each team (e.g., AK47 + Deagle for Terrorist players / M4A1 + Deagle for CT players) while restricting the purchase of other weapons.
  • The mix can only be started if each team has 5 players, totaling 10 players.

  • During the mix, only 5 players are allowed in each team (to prevent disruptions from additional players).

  • Automatic demo recording when starting the mix with various options:

    1. Demo starts with the current map name.
    2. Demo starts with a custom name set in another setting.
    3. Demo starts with a name set by an admin using the demo start command.
  • Configuration files (.cfg) for:

    • Starting the mix.
    • Stopping the mix.
    • Starting overtime.
  • Ability to set:

    • The number of rounds required for a team to win the mix/overtime.
    • The score from which overtime rounds begin.
    • The number of rounds played in overtime on both sides.
    • Team player limits during the mix (a maximum of 5 players per team).
  • Fastcup Mode:

    • Provides a similar experience as Fastcup platform.
    • When the admin starts the mix, the knife round begins automatically.
    • The winning team is announced in the chat and can choose the side to start the match.
    • Includes the rank letter of the player based on his points ( Shown only in his name during a match )
  • Includes a dictionary ( lang file ) to modify any system-related messages.

  • The scoring system and Fastcup mode are optional and can be activated / deactivated in the source code.

Scoring System Features:

  • Ability to configure the points players gain/lose during specific events:
    Legend: + = add points, - = deduct points
    • Normal kill: +/-
    • Headshot kill: +/-
    • Normal knife kill: +/-
    • Knife headshot kill: +/-
    • Kill using an HE grenade: +/-
    • Suicide: -
    • Bomb plant: +
    • Bomb explosion: +
    • Bomb defuse: +
    • Ace: +
    • Semi-ace: +
    • Winning team: +

Additionally, this system comes with some sub-addons that provides:

  • If a player disconnects during the mix and doesn't reconnect within 5 minutes (default, adjustable), they receive a 30-minute ban (default, adjustable) and lose 20 points (default, adjustable).

  • Player's stats and Match information insertion in a Database ( Wins, Loses, Basic stats, Match progress, etc )