This is an application that shows films and TV shows that are currently in trend
Video-presentation here
- Custom tableView with trend movies
- Detail movie information, with cast in custom collectionView and video
- Add/Remove from the "Watch later" list
- Custom tableView with trend tvShows
- Detail tvShows information, with video and additional info
- Add/Remove from the "Watch later" list
- MVVM app architecture
- Parsing JSON from TMDB API, transforming it to fit the required model, along with persisting the data.
- Keeping a clear separation of concerns between classes (API managers, model controllers and carving datasources away from view controllers).
- Using 3rd party libraries with CocoaPods.
- RealmSwift
- Networking using Alamofire
- UISegmentedControl
- Autolayout
- Custom UITableViews, UICollectionViews
- Animation