- @auth/prisma-adapter (v2.4.2): Prisma adapter for NextAuth.js authentication.
- @prisma/client (v5.19.0): Auto-generated query builder for Prisma ORM.
- cookies-next (v4.2.1): A simple cookie library for Next.js.
- next (v14.2.7): React framework for building web applications.
- next-auth (v5.0.0-beta.20): Authentication for Next.js applications.
- react (v18): JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- react-dom (v18): React package for working with the DOM.
- zustand (v4.5.5): Small, fast, and scalable state management solution.
- @types/node (v20.16.2): TypeScript definitions for Node.js.
- @types/react (v18): TypeScript definitions for React.
- @types/react-dom (v18): TypeScript definitions for React DOM.
- daisyui (v4.12.10): Tailwind CSS component library.
- eslint (v8): Linting utility for JavaScript and TypeScript.
- eslint-config-next (v14.2.7): ESLint configuration used by Next.js.
- postcss (v8): Tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript.
- prisma (v5.19.0): Next-generation ORM for Node.js and TypeScript.
- tailwindcss (v3.4.1): Utility-first CSS framework.
- ts-node (v10.9.2): TypeScript execution environment and REPL for Node.js.
- typescript (v5.5.4): Typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
: Run the development serverbuild
: Build the application for productionstart
: Start the production serverlint
: Run ESLint to check for code quality issues
This project includes a Makefile with the following commands:
make run
: Run the development server (equivalent tonpm run dev
)make db-fmt
: Format the Prisma schema filemake db-gen
: Generate Prisma client
To use these commands, ensure you have make
installed on your system. Then you can run them from the terminal in the project root directory. For example:
make run
These Makefile scripts provide quick shortcuts for common development tasks, especially those related to database management with Prisma.