Releases: Sanjit1/FRCScouter
Updated it on play store!
Minor Improvements, Ready For Play Store
Sorry for Bad App Icon
First Production Ready Release
This release fixes a couple of bugs and adds a new one to fix later.
Added new Icons
Fixed a bug which makes app not usable at the begining
Known Issues:
Timer does not update dynamically
After you give the app permission, you have to restart the app sometimes so that it works
Continuing it will only work once you are given the toast Saved
It makes an empty layout which stays at the top of the templates section and if you click on it, then it will give an error.
Timer does not update dynamically
Make your own layout
You can make texts, editTexts, counters, spinners, and timers, and CheckBoxs
Known issues:
Timer does not update until the start or stop button is pressed
The app is recognizing an extra empty layout for some reason you will see what i mean