4 commits
to Panfrost-G610
since this release
Mali G610 & G710 GPU Driver for Glibc Termux
- You can play box64 & box86 games with this driver
- Compiled on Ubuntu 22.04
- Tested on Mobox
- Root not required
- This is Gallium driver based on Mesa-Panfrost (OpenGL)
- Vulkan not supported
- Supported GPU Mali G610 & G710 Only
- GPU Generation (Vallhal)
Installation for Termux Glibc
tar -xf Panfrost_G610-G710_armhf-arm64.tar.gz -C $PREFIX
Installation for Mobox Termux
- Install mobox
- Then install WineD3D inside Mobox
- Then exit from Mobox
- Then unzip to Termux Prefix
tar -xf Panfrost_G610-G710_armhf-arm64.tar.gz -C $PREFIX