- the physical code isn't currently registered in the sample inventory (its completely empty)
- the "link sample" (top-left) button is only visible if it can be used on the current page
- the button opens the camera (the user must allow the extension to use the camera once) and put a physical code in front of the camera
- after sucessful decoding an yellow textbox explains that this physical code has not yet been found in the sample inventory,
- the user can either use the default sample name ([decodedText_ELN-documentName_ELN-document-uniqueID_ELN-document-creator-username_timestamp-at-creation]) to create a new sample entry (grey letters in yellow dotted box) or choose a custom entry name
- the "thumbs up - insert button" pastes a description of the newly created sample and the link to the sample in the inventory at the text cursor position
- use the "abort button" if necessary
- a new sample has been created, the barcodes field on the right shows "datamatrix code: {datamatrix-code}" (marked in red) which indicates that this entry has been created from a physical datamatrix code
- mark the position where the link should be insert
- open camera with the "link sample" button
- present an previous digital registered physical code to the camera
- check out the samples found for this code in the database
- use the "insert button" button to insert a link to the sample in the inventory
- use the "abort button" if necessary
- create a sample in rspace inventory (click "create" -> "sample")
- add a barcode to the sample (click the "+" and write the datamatrix-code string into the text field, or use the barcode scanner to do so)
- save the created sample
- note that the barcode label is now "Scanned Unknown: " because it was added by keystrokes not by scanning a code
- go back to the document in the ELN and follow the steps to insert an already existing sample entry into an ELN document insert sample
- the description of the link pasted in the document is different if the entry was created by the previously scanned code or if the code has already been existed and only a existing sample entry was called
- that means when a code (not already registered in the sample inventory) is scanned twice in a row, it will insert two different entries in the ELN document
- the first one shows the creation of the new sample entry.
- the second shows that an entry already exists and has been found
- both links lead to the same sample entry in the sample inventory
- when a code (already registered in the sample inventory) is scanned twice in a row, it will insert two identical entries in the ELN document
- that means when a code (not already registered in the sample inventory) is scanned twice in a row, it will insert two different entries in the ELN document
- in the rspace inventory the barcode field indicates how a entry has been created
- "datamatrix code: {datamatrix-code}" means it has been created by scanning a datamatrix code using the browser extension in the ELN
- "Scanned Unknown: {datamatrix-code}" means it has been created manually inside rspace inventory either by printing the datamatrix code into the text field or scanning the code with a barcode scanner (it also creates keystrokes)