Data and scripts for the iMotif stability predictions in a restricted C/T space of possible sequences. See the README files within the subfolders for further details on the performed calculations.
The usage of the code should be accompanied with the following citations:
Liezel Tamon and Aleksandr B. Sahakyan,, 2020.
Cheng M., Qiu D., Tamon L., Istvankova E., Viskova P., Amrane S., Guedin A., Chen J., Lacroix L., Huangxian J., Trantirek L., Sahakyan A. B., Zhou J., Mergny J.-L. "Thermal and pH Stabilities of i-DNA: Confronting in vitro Experiments with Models and In-Cell NMR Data", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 60, 10286-10294, 2021.
The use of the Optimus functions should be cited as:
- Nicholas Andre G. Johnson, Liezel Tamon, Xin Liu and Aleksandr B. Sahakyan,, 2018, "General purpose adaptive optimisation engine in R", in prep.
LICENSE: the code component of this repository is released under the GPLv3 license. For the permissions on the experimental dataset, see the correspondence address in the Cheng M et al. publication.