This tool generates JSON schemas from Go structs which can be used as event definition produced by a service.
Create a new directory and in a main.go file add/define your events like follows and use the below func main()
var genSchema map[string]generator.Schema{
"": {
Schemas: "",
Title: "Your event name",
Type: "object",
Required: generator.GenerateRequired(YourEventStruct{}, nil),
Properties: generator.GenerateProperties(YourEventStruct{}),
func main() {
path := flag.String("path", "/tmp/schemas/", "enter full path where to save schemas")
help := flag.Bool("help", false, "print help/usage information")
if *help {
if err := schematic.BuildEvents(path, genSchema); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("there was an error during file writing. Error: %s", err)
log.Printf("Schemas generated succssfully, located at: %s", *path)
By default the schemas will be generate to /tmp/schemas/
but this can be redefined as needed when the go program is executed by using the -path
@endrit101 - Endrit Toplica