Guess My Number is an interactive web game that challenges players to guess a randomly generated number within a specified range. The game provides instant feedback on whether the guess is too high, too low, or correct. With a simple and engaging interface, this game is perfect for players of all ages.
- HTML: For structuring the game interface.
- CSS: For styling the game and ensuring a visually appealing layout.
- JavaScript: For game logic and interactivity.
- tsparticles: Used to create stunning particle effects that enhance the game's visuals.
- Random Number Generation: The game generates a random number within a defined range for the player to guess.
- User Feedback: Players receive immediate feedback on their guesses, indicating whether their guess is too high, too low, or correct.
- Particle Effects: Utilize the tsparticles library to create dynamic and engaging backgrounds that enhance the overall experience.
PS: The game interface is not designed to be responsive yet.