This project is a realistic clone of the iconic Netflix homepage, built with HTML and CSS. Get ready to step into the world of Netflix! With its sleek design and interactive features, this project showcases how easy it is to access your favorite content.
✅ Epic Navbar – A modern navbar with options for easy language selection and quick access to your account.
✅ Hero Section – A stunning, full-screen area welcoming you to Netflix! Simply enter your email to start watching right away.
✅ Captivating Info Sections – Highlighting Netflix’s unique features: watch on various devices, download content for offline viewing, and create profiles for kids.
✅ FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) – Quick answers to all your Netflix-related queries! Get answers instantly with easy access.
✅ Footer – A sleek footer with all the important links you need, from FAQs to privacy policies and customer support.
- HTML – Used for structuring the page content with elegance and accessibility.
- CSS – Styled the page to create a modern, responsive design that looks great on any device.
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📷 Instagram: @saadet_najaf
💼 LinkedIn: Saadet Najaf