This is the modeled hamster MPW simulator example based on the MPW framework (
It defines the modeling of the hamster-simulator under /bundles/de.unistuttgart.iste.sqa.mpw.modeling.hamstersimulator
After code-generation with Maven package
, in /simulators
the both simulators for Java and C++ can be found.
bundles (contains Eclipse bundles)
: contains an Ecore model which describes the hamster MPW meta-modelsrc-commands
: contains Henshin commands like move() which define graph transformations to describe the dynamic semantics of hamster commandssrc-queries
: contains pre-conditions, post-conditions, class invariants and queries for the hamster MPW- makes use of the Query-DSL
: defines a MWE2 workflow which executes the modeling workflow to generate code for the Java and C++ simulators
releng (contains release engineering artifacts)
parent: defines the parent Maven POM
targetplatform: defines a target platform for the Eclipse environment for all specific Eclipse plugin dependencies
installed-items.p2f: can be imported in Eclipse to install required Eclipse features in one action
The Java simulator is similar to the PSE-Simulator ( It uses Maven, Java 15 and JavaFX.
The C++ simulator is based on CMake and SDL2.
Import the CMake project with an IDE like Visual Studio or CLion.
How to setup the dependencies for SDL2 is explained in the
under /simulators/de.unistuttgart.iste.sqa.mpw.hamstersimulator.cpp/ui
- Download "Eclipse Modeling Tools" from
- Use Java JDK 15
- Install required Eclipse features
- use the
file from/releng/installed-items.p2f
- File / Import / Install / Install Software Items from File
- Note: Includes Maven, Henshin, Query-DSL, MPW Modeling Framework, CDT, Tycho Configurators, Xpand
- use the
Note: after checkout there are many errors due to ungenerated files. They shall disappear after the following steps. Simply click "Proceed" when a dialog occurs due to errors.
run genmodels for "generate model code" or call Maven
run transformation / generation workflow or call Maven
open target project in the IDE of choice
- Java: by Maven:
- C++: by CMake:
- Java: by Maven:
run unit tests
- Java: under
- C++: use CTest after building
- Java: under