Releases: SDU-eScience/UCloud
Fixes deadlock in Slurm job monitoring
IM2/Slurm: Fixes two separate bugs requestDynamicParameters no longer crashes in certain scenarios Lmod module parsing is now more roboust
version bump
Automatic building of IM2 RPMs for RHEL8 and RHEL9
Merge pull request #4213 from mrlhansen/master im2: improvments for log, option, freeipa, gpfs
New user-interface, changes to accounting and a brand-new application catalog.
Important changes to accounting
This version of UCloud has a number of important changes to accounting which affect almost all projects in UCloud.
Please make sure to read this part.
- Conversion from DKK to core-hours: Most allocations in UCloud have had their allocations converted from DKK to
core-hours. This conversion was based on the existing DKK prices of the machines. - Conversion from core-hours to GPU-hours: Machines that have GPUs available will now use GPU-hours instead of
core-hours. This change should make it easier to understand both how much you are applying for and how many resources
you have left. - Mandatory end-dates: All allocations now have a mandatory end-date. Existing allocations in personal projects
("My workspace") have been set to expire at the end of 2024. Existing allocations in all other projects have been set
to expire at the end of 2025. Once an allocation expires, it can no longer be used. Any unused resources from an
allocation are lost once it expires. Unused resources, which have expired, do not carry over to new allocations, even
when extending an existing project.
Grant applications which were open at the time of the update (14/05/2024) will need to be updated before they can be
We have completely revamped the user-interface of UCloud. This change was made to make the user-interface easier to use
and fix inconsistencies which had been building up over the last couple of years.
- New UI frame: The "frame" of UCloud has been re-designed. The old top navigation has been removed and its controls
have moved to the new sidebar. The sidebar has now been made slimmer by only showing icons. Hovering over any of the
icons will expand the sidebar to contain entries specific to that section. The search and refresh buttons remain in
the upper-right part of the screen. Search now only targets the page you are currently looking at. - Redesigned project selector: The project selector has moved from the upper-left corner to the upper-right corner.
The new selector has been improved for users participating in many projects. This includes the ability to search and
favorite directly from the selector. The new selector can also be controlled via the keyboard. - Colors, text-sizes, spacing and layout: In addition to this, we have also made a lot of various changes to the
colors, text-sizes, spacing and layout in UCloud. For example, we have completely revamped the colors used in both our
light and dark themes. We encourage you to swap around with the theme toggle (now placed in the sidebar) to see which
one you prefer.
File and resource management
We have made some significant improvements to the file/resource manager. In short, it is now much faster and should feel
more natural to use.
- Improved file manager: The file/resource manager has been reworked completely. The new file
manager should now feel much more like a native file manager (e.g. Explorer on Windows and Finder on macOS). It now
supports drag-to-select, drag-and-drop, navigation by keyboard, range selection by shift-clicking, multi selection by
ctrl-clicking (option on macOS). A location bar has been added to quickly jump between folders. The location bar
supports tab-completion. Performance has been improved significantly and should now be able to easily handle very
large folders. - Folder uploads: UCloud now supports folder uploads. An old performance bug has been fixed for single-file uploads.
Uploads are now significantly faster. - Improved file previews: Previews are now able to detect file-type automatically, no longer relying on the file
extension. Text and code files now load significantly faster. Syntax highlighting has been improved. - New provider icons: Icons have been updated to match those of the hosting organizations. Color variations are used
to differentiate between different service offerings from the service provider.
Application catalog
We have re-designed the application catalog to make it much easier to use. We have also collapsed similar applications
into a single entry, which should make it easier for you to find the application you are looking for.
- A new landing page: The new landing page makes it much easier to find featured content. A carrousel has been added
to highlight new and important applications. The "top picks" section contain the most popular applications. In
addition, a spotlight section has been added to highlight new releases. - Application flavors: UCloud now has a concept of application "flavors". This feature is useful for applications
such as "Coder" which already has been released in many different flavors (e.g. Java, Go, C++ and so on). The feature
allows you to quickly jump from one flavor to another within the UI. - Dedicated pages for sub-categories: We have added dedicated pages for sub-categories of applications, such as
"Development", this should make it easier to not get lost in a sea of too many applications. - New applications and recently updated: We have added a section which highlights completely new applications
recently updated applications. - SSH is now opt-in: An import change to applications. The SSH server feature is now opt-in instead of opt-out, this
means that you must manually specify that you want an SSH server to start as opposed to stating that you do not want
Accounting and grant applications
In addition to the accounting changes highlighted above, multiple changes has also happened to the user-interface.
- Improved resource allocations UI: It now uses space much more
efficiently. Most of the UI can now be controlled via the keyboard. A visual indicator has been added to let you know
when an allocation cannot be used fully (due to over-allocation from a parent). Creation of sub-allocation now always
goes through grant system, this change makes it easier to track sub-allocations. - Revamped resource usage UI: The resource usage UI has been completely revamped. The new UI now has dedicated tabs
for each product category. Additional statistics have been added for each product category. For compute, this now
includes statistics various statistics about your jobs. Unfortunately, we do not have historical data for this, as a
result, the resource usage page will initially appear empty and only contain data which was recorded after the update. - Revamped grant application UI: The grant application UI has been revamped to make it easier to use. This includes
an improved layout and a more streamlined form.