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Cbus Biking Locations API

API that exposes reports from cyclists and pedestrians including location and incident information.

Built and deployed using the Ruby on Rails framework.


  1. Ruby 2.5.8/Rails
  2. Bundler
  3. PostgreSQL 13.0.x

Note: The api connects to the local development PostgreSLQ server using these credentials:

username: postgres
password: postgres

API application Initialization

After cloning the repo, navigate to /cbus-biking-LOC-api and enter:

 bundle install 

Database Initialization

  1. Navigate to /cbus-biking-LOC/api

  2. To create the development database on your MySQL server enter:

    rake db:create

    This creates the database from /cbus-biking-LOC-api/config/database.yml

  3. To create the reports table in your development database enter:

    rake db:schema:load

    This loads the schema from /cbus-biking-LOC-api/db/schema.rb

  4. To seed the reports table with some sample data enter:

    rake db:seed

    This loads seed data from /cbus-biking-LOC-api/db/seeds.rb

  5. To run db:create, db:schema:load, and db:seed with one command enter:

    rake db:setup
  6. To run the linter and unit tests enter:

    bundle exec rubocop
    bundle exec rspec

Start the API application server

rails s -p 4000

This will start the application server on your localhost at port 4000. If choosing to run the server at a different port also use that port for the Swagger UI. See the Swagger API documentation section below for details.

Database deletion and reset

  1. To drop the database enter:

    rake db:drop
  2. To run db:drop and db:setup with one command enter:

    rake db:reset

Swagger API documentation

Swagger documentation for all API endpoints is made available through the [rswag gem] ( This documentation is generated from Request rspec tests that include schema information, required parameters and expected status codes for all supported HTTP methods. These methods can be invoked directly from the Swagger UI.

The generated documentation (Swagger UI) is available at http://localhost:4000/api-docs/index.html after the cloning and initialization steps. To use a different host or port than the default:

  1. The Swagger UI host information is accessed by the config/application file through Environment variables.

    config.rswag_host = ENV['RSWAG_HOST'] || "localhost:4000"
    config.rswag_url_prefix = ENV['RSWAG_URL_PREFIX'] || "http://"

    To change the swagger UI port, set the RSWAG_HOST Environment variable:

    export RSWAG_HOST=localhost:{your port}
  2. Generate the modified swagger.yaml file which is used to create the docs HTML enter:

    rails rswag
  3. Restart rails server:

    rails s -p {port}

    In addition to the Swagger documentation, there is written documentation below.

Using the Reports API endpoint

Important: The database must be seeded by running rake db:seed or rake db:setup before using the reports endoint. This is because the reports endpoint depends on incident_reports and incident_severities resources being populated before a Report resource can be created. More on this below.

  1. POST a report


    Example JSON body

      "lat": 39.9846,
      "long": -82.9192,
      "incident_datetime": "2020-09-19T21:44:42.000Z",
      "incident_text": "loreem ipsum ...",
      "incident_type_id": "1",
      "incident_severity_id": "2"
      "incident_subject_id": "1"

required params(lat:float, long:float, incident_datetime:string, incident_type_id:int, incident_severity_id:int, incident_subject_id:int)

Status codes:

201 Created, 400 Bad Request, 422 Unprocessable Entity.

A 422 will include one or more validation error messages in the response body. For example:

{ { "incident_datetime": [ "must be ISO 8601 UTC, e.g., 2020-09-11T21:44:42Z" ] } }


incident_type_id, incident_severity_id, and incident_subject_id are foreign keys to the incident_types and incident_severity table rows, respectively and are valid search parameters to the API.

incident_datetime is an iso 8601 datetime string that is stored in UTC (indicated by the trailing Z)in the database. If the incident_datetime indicates another timezone, e.g., "2020-09-19T21:44:42.-04:00" (ET DST), it will be converted to UTC by the server to "2020-09-20T01:44:42.000Z".

The minimum form of a valid iso 8601 datetime is YYYY-MM-DD which fills in hours, minutes and seconds with zeros on the server, e.g, 2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z.

incident_year is indexed to allow efficiently searching by year.

incident_subject_id is indexed to allow searching by the subject of the incident

1 = bicycle
2 = pedestrian
3 = wheelchair
  1. GET a report by ID


    Example Response:

      "id": 49,
      "lat": 39.9846,
      "long": -82.9192,
      "incident_datetime": "2020-09-19T21:44:42.000Z",
      "incident_text": "loreem ipsum ...",
      "created_at": "2020-09-18T19:57:59.197Z",
      "incident_type": {
         "id": 1,
         "description": "Near Miss"
      "incident_severity": {
         "id": 2,
         "description": "Possible Injury"
      "incident_subject": {
         "id": 1,
         "description": "Bicycle"

Status Codes:

200 OK, 404 Record Not Found


incident_type includes both the modal selection number (id) and the incident_type description, "Near Miss". The incident_type endpoint allows for modifying the description without modifying the id (PATCH/PUT).

  1. GET all reports


Status Codes:

200 OK

a response of [] indicates an empty list.

  1. DELETE a report


Status Codes:

204 No Content, 404 Record Not Found

Using the incident_types and incident_severities endpoints

These endpoints support all of the HTTP request methods listed above in addition to the PUT/PATCH request methods. Both the PUT and PATCH methods result in the same results, updating the description field while retaining the row and its id. This allows for keeping the id in line with the modal selections.

  1. PUT/PATCH an incident_type (same applies for incident_severity)


    Example JSON request body:

      "description": "modified_description"

required params(description:string)

Status Codes:

204 No Content, 400 Bad Request, 422 Unprocessible Entity

A 422 will include one or more validation error messages in the response body. Currently only applies to desctiption:

    "description": [
        "can't be blank"
  1. DELETE an incident_type or incident_severity

    Deleting an incident_type or incident_severity that a report resource is dependent on will return an error. For example:


    An existing report with an incident_severity_type_id of 2 will return the following response body:

      "status": 409,
      "error": "conflict",
      "message": "Cannot delete record because of dependent reports"

Status Codes:

204 No Content, 404 Record Not Found, 409 Conflict


API for cbus-biking-LOC application






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