Program that can execute sequential commands like : moving your mouse,clicking it and scrolling. Also it support export and import so your scripts can be easily recovered
Download a linux binary or windows zip archive
On windows simply start a program.
On linux you need root priveleges (sudo) to run this command, because writing into /dev/uinput . So i separated a program into two : An actual gui and cli which recieves events from gui. To run this, go to directory and run or open two programs
sudo bash -c './deviceProgram &'
git clone
cd SteroidAutoClicker
mkdir build
cd build && cmake .. && cd ..
cmake --build build/
cd build
chmod +x deviceProgram
chmod +x appAutoclicker
I highly recommend clonning the repo and opening CmakeList.txt in Qt creator, it should automatically setup everything.
git clone
Then navigate to Build folder (can be found in qt), put exe somewhere out and find all dependencies using windeployqt