An application to help smokers quit smoking. To run the application, ensure that you have an emulator available.
Clone this repo, open your emulator, and navigate to flutter_app_quit_now > lib > main.dart to run the code. The application should start in the emulator.
- Login
- Register & fill out user form
- Password reset
- Home page to show user smoking data
- Wishlist
- Admit relapse
- Sharing to social media: Twitter
Firebase Authentication is used. When a user registers with QuitNow, Firebase will generate a unique UID that is tagged to this user.
Document ID == User ID
One document in 'users' database belongs to each user
For testing purposes, use the below account to log in to the application Email: Password: !ABC123d
If you see an error in these few lines delete new
(in the github its already deleted but your own side)
if (flutterRoot == null) {
throw GradleException("Flutter SDK not found. Define location with flutter.sdk in the file.")
When starting your vs code/android studio/vs/IDE remember to run the following:
- flutter clean
- flutter pub cache repair
- flutter pub get
You must configure the flutterfirebase this is important!!
- Install the flutterfire CLI following the YouTube Video:
type in the command to ensure flutterfire command is availableon your system:
flutterfire configure