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SwipeMyRoomie: A dynamic website created as part of the CX2006 Software Engineering Module using python flask

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Repository files navigation

Creators of SwipeMyRoommie by TeamAlpha

Sankar Samiksha
Poon Yan Xin Melise
Marcus NG Li Wang
Anagha Ani
Arushi Bansal
Ng Jun Han

Data API link


Submitted to Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) on 1 Nov 2021

How to use our code and get the website running


You have the following installed:

  1. pip
  2. python3
  3. git

Installing Git

If you are using ubuntu

$sudo apt-get install git-all

If you are using windows

Download git from here

Follow the instructions from here

If you are using MacOS

Download git from here

Follow the instructions from here

Check if you have downloaded git:

Open command prompt/terminal

> git --version 

Clone Git Repository

Open command prompt / terminal (this instruction set follows Windows cmd prompt, this could vary if you are using another OS terminal)

> cd desktop

> git clone

> cd cx2006_coding

> pip install -r requirements.txt

Installing MySql

From the following website download mySql

After downloading MySql, creating a password, you will need to use it later.

Set it as the following: Username = root and password = password

if you are using another username or password, open to change.
cur = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='password', host='localhost', database='cz2006')

Change the password, user if needed change localhost (most likely do not need to)

Option 1: Setting up the database using mySQL command line client

Now, do the following:

1. Open MySql Command Line Client 
2. Enter password 
3. Run the following commands:

mysql> DROP DATABASE cz2006;

mysql> CREATE DATABASE cz2006;

mysql> use cz2006;

mysql> source C:\Users\<user_name>\Desktop\cx2006_coding\db\cz2006_accounts.sql

mysql> source C:\Users\<user_name>\Desktop\cx2006_coding\db\cz2006_chat_data.sql

mysql> source C:\Users\<user_name>\Desktop\cx2006_coding\db\cz2006_profile.sql

mysql>  source C:\Users\<user_name>\Desktop\cx2006_coding\db\cz2006_roommate_language.sql

mysql>  source C:\Users\<user_name>\Desktop\cx2006_coding\db\cz2006_user_language.sql

Note: if you have stored the file cx2006_coding in a different folder, remember to change the pathfile accordingly
<user_name> has to be changed to your own

4. Close the SQL command client 

mysql> exit 

Option 2: Setting up the database using mySQL workbench

Prerequisite: You are already connected to server

Firstly, create a new schema called cz2006 (case sensitive).

In the menu bar go to server --> data import --> select the cx2006_coding/db folder --> import

Running the python app

Go back into the command prompt/terminal

make sure you are in the CX2006_coding folder

> python 


> python3

This should generate the following ip address:

Cope and paste into your web browser.


press ctr + c to stop the server. 

> exit 


SwipeMyRoomie: A dynamic website created as part of the CX2006 Software Engineering Module using python flask






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